SCAPS: Great Balls of Fire x988 (720x384)

Dec 29, 2006 17:16

I screencapped the entire movie Great Balls of Fire. 988 caps at 720x384.

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screencaps: great balls of fire

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Comments 4

lewisboogie December 30 2006, 16:58:01 UTC

great jerry lee lewis.
er, hohyeh. you know i have
to take this, braaaah XD
and also that i always

asd yay! and thankyou for taking
time and capping the whole
friggen' thing!


sukrod December 30 2006, 18:17:46 UTC
gkhklhgla *sexcited to make icons from here*
could you maybe make me a wallpaper? because
i know yers are gawgeous! (1024x768)???


lewisboogie December 31 2006, 20:17:16 UTC
aw, well thankya braaah! :D
and of course i'll make
you a wallpaper, no needs
to ask XD any specific scene
you want?


sukrod January 1 2007, 21:08:27 UTC
anyone where he's shirtlesss
:DDDD best. chest. evaar.
braaaaaah, happy new years.


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