I exist on GreatestJournal, and I now exist on InsaneJournal - if you're on IJ please friend me, and I'll be working through friending y'all later, when I back up my posts.
And as a parent, may I say that depending on so-called "parental controls" to keep your kids from surfing inappropriate sites is like leaving your brain behind when taking a driving test? Your kids are usually more tech-savvy than you are. It ain't nothing to disengage those controls, and pop 'em back when the kids are done, and unless you check, you don't know.
It's like those folks who complain about sex and violence on tv. Don't want your kids to see it? Then watch tv WITH your kids! Be in the room, folding laundry, paying bills, whatever, just... be there! This isn't rocket science, people!
This is completely insane. People don't take responsibility for anything anymore. My kids don't go on the computer without someone right there with them. There is a 'safelist' of people they can contact through IM, but only when I'm in the room and only if I've cleared it with the person before.
Common sense no longer exists. And the sad thing is, it's going to destroy the community spirit in LJ...they're driving us away, and they don't seem to care or see what it will do to them. All in the name of protecting the children.
Well, I'm all for children being safe. Got two of my own, and I'd kill the person who hurt them. I agree with you on all points (specially the Harry/Ginny one, that's a match made in hell). Too bad more of the morons who run this place don't.
This is it - GJ juist doesn't feel like home, and IJ doesn't either.
I've been IMing Potion_Lady though, and said to her...one Prophecy is finished, I think things will calm down. Because once Prophecy is done, there will be no more weekends when Fandom is away from its computer. I honestly think if we sit tight and ride it out, this will blow over with relatively few issues.
The flip side is...no one should get their account deleted like those two artists did...*sighs*
On a tangent...if you emailed me your postal address, the email didn't come through. If you didn't...the animal badges are still in the making anyway, *g* but should be posted later this week *kisses*
Nope, haven't emailed just yet *sigh* I've been working like crazy, trying to back up the few things that exist only on LJ, putting in 9 hours days, and trying to pack for a trip to inlaws who hate my guts. And then I wonder why my heartrate is up *blink*
Don't want your kid to read porn? Don't leave them unattended on the internet. Don't want your kid to look at kinky pictures? Don't leave them unattended on the internet.
Hear! Hear!
I'm always there when my kids surf the net. No parental control softwares because 1. they're far from perfect; 2. Mr Twelve-Years-Old would deactivate them faster than it takes to say "censorship" if he wanted to. Hell, Ms Nine-Years-Old would.
Same for TV, same for books. I check, always. And that's also because I'm the one qualified to decide what's good and what's not for MY kids because I know them, not the rating system powers-that-be, and I know what could damage them and what could not
( ... )
I can't understand why people would surrender their parenthood to some meta-organisations.Because that way, when their kid takes a gun to a classroom, or rapes a child, or kills a co worker, or even just listens to a style of music they don't like, they can avoid the blame. 'Oh, well, look at what some chick in Britain puts on her LJ! This is all her fault
( ... )
Because that way, when their kid takes a gun to a classroom, or rapes a child, or kills a co worker, or even just listens to a style of music they don't like, they can avoid the blame. 'Oh, well, look at what some chick in Britain puts on her LJ! This is all her fault!'
Yeah but, those kids who go Columbine are (generally) those kids whose parents don't take responsibility for. If they had talked with them (as opposed to talk to them) they'd have known there was a problem, wouldn't they?
Some years ago there was a big scandal here (France) because of a kid who committed suicide and his parents blamed it on the fact he was a RPG player. This was the RPG fault, not theirs. Only when interviewed, the father was unable to tell who his son's friends were, what were his interests, and looked baffled to hear his son had serious psychological problems as discovered in his diary and perceived by his teachers. He didn't know his own kid at all. I think this makes my point
( ... )
Some chick in Britain is already slowly taking over the world, and some chick in Britain will kick 6A off a cliff as her first act as world leader...
This is it though - you can't blame popular culture. Kids that do go severly off the rails, listening to Marilyn Manson of playing 'Manhunter' isn't the cause. It may be the tipping point, but it isn't the cause. I hate to bring bad news to all these people, but fanfiction's effect on a psyche is negligable. If person X reads a fanfic featuring rape, then goes out and rapes someone, person X has big problems that are completely removed from what he read. I read Malfoycest, and yet somehow I manage not to sleep with members of my family. It really isn't that difficult. Malfoycest=fanfiction=not real
A little lower down, oncelikeshari points out that it isn't femmeslash or Het being pulled up...kind of makes you wonder, huh? Considering a lot of this kicked up with WFI, is the agenda less protecting the kiddies from nasty predators and more protecting the kiddies from the heinous idea that *gasps* it
( ... )
::applauds:: right on! another pet hate of mine is parents who complain that their children saw something naughty on television. quit using the TV like a babysitter and monitor what they watch! is what i want to scream to them.
i've only just unlocked all my fics and i've not got the patience to go back and lock them all again so fuck it. if i get deleted i get deleted. i have most of my stories backed up.
i'm not very good at keeping up with multiple things so i won't get another journal unless i need to. but if i do, what would you recommend? GJ or IJ?
I have things transferred over, but it's things like the random comment conversations that I'll miss if I get deleted *g*
I recomment IJ, because it feels more like LJ, and most people seem to be going there. But - once fandom is back from prophecy, there won't be any chance for LJ to mass-delete while our backs are turned. I think they'll back off if we just wait this out.
*sighs* wherever everyone else goes, I'll go. I have too much to do to be anything but a sheep. I need to get Bella beta'd *grin*
Comments 25
And as a parent, may I say that depending on so-called "parental controls" to keep your kids from surfing inappropriate sites is like leaving your brain behind when taking a driving test? Your kids are usually more tech-savvy than you are. It ain't nothing to disengage those controls, and pop 'em back when the kids are done, and unless you check, you don't know.
It's like those folks who complain about sex and violence on tv. Don't want your kids to see it? Then watch tv WITH your kids! Be in the room, folding laundry, paying bills, whatever, just... be there! This isn't rocket science, people!
*gets off soap box*
Exactly - it's just common sense! *sighs* but apparently you and me got all that and there's none left for 6A and LJ...
Stay on the soap box Hon, lord knows the other side don't seem to be hopping down
Common sense no longer exists. And the sad thing is, it's going to destroy the community spirit in LJ...they're driving us away, and they don't seem to care or see what it will do to them. All in the name of protecting the children.
Well, I'm all for children being safe. Got two of my own, and I'd kill the person who hurt them. I agree with you on all points (specially the Harry/Ginny one, that's a match made in hell). Too bad more of the morons who run this place don't.
I've been IMing Potion_Lady though, and said to her...one Prophecy is finished, I think things will calm down. Because once Prophecy is done, there will be no more weekends when Fandom is away from its computer. I honestly think if we sit tight and ride it out, this will blow over with relatively few issues.
The flip side is...no one should get their account deleted like those two artists did...*sighs*
On a tangent...if you emailed me your postal address, the email didn't come through. If you didn't...the animal badges are still in the making anyway, *g* but should be posted later this week *kisses*
I'll email it to you now *grin*
Good luck with the In-Laws Hon x
Hear! Hear!
I'm always there when my kids surf the net. No parental control softwares because 1. they're far from perfect; 2. Mr Twelve-Years-Old would deactivate them faster than it takes to say "censorship" if he wanted to. Hell, Ms Nine-Years-Old would.
Same for TV, same for books. I check, always. And that's also because I'm the one qualified to decide what's good and what's not for MY kids because I know them, not the rating system powers-that-be, and I know what could damage them and what could not ( ... )
Yeah but, those kids who go Columbine are (generally) those kids whose parents don't take responsibility for. If they had talked with them (as opposed to talk to them) they'd have known there was a problem, wouldn't they?
Some years ago there was a big scandal here (France) because of a kid who committed suicide and his parents blamed it on the fact he was a RPG player. This was the RPG fault, not theirs. Only when interviewed, the father was unable to tell who his son's friends were, what were his interests, and looked baffled to hear his son had serious psychological problems as discovered in his diary and perceived by his teachers. He didn't know his own kid at all. I think this makes my point ( ... )
This is it though - you can't blame popular culture. Kids that do go severly off the rails, listening to Marilyn Manson of playing 'Manhunter' isn't the cause. It may be the tipping point, but it isn't the cause. I hate to bring bad news to all these people, but fanfiction's effect on a psyche is negligable. If person X reads a fanfic featuring rape, then goes out and rapes someone, person X has big problems that are completely removed from what he read. I read Malfoycest, and yet somehow I manage not to sleep with members of my family. It really isn't that difficult. Malfoycest=fanfiction=not real
A little lower down, oncelikeshari points out that it isn't femmeslash or Het being pulled up...kind of makes you wonder, huh? Considering a lot of this kicked up with WFI, is the agenda less protecting the kiddies from nasty predators and more protecting the kiddies from the heinous idea that *gasps* it ( ... )
i've only just unlocked all my fics and i've not got the patience to go back and lock them all again so fuck it. if i get deleted i get deleted. i have most of my stories backed up.
i'm not very good at keeping up with multiple things so i won't get another journal unless i need to. but if i do, what would you recommend? GJ or IJ?
I recomment IJ, because it feels more like LJ, and most people seem to be going there. But - once fandom is back from prophecy, there won't be any chance for LJ to mass-delete while our backs are turned. I think they'll back off if we just wait this out.
*sighs* wherever everyone else goes, I'll go. I have too much to do to be anything but a sheep. I need to get Bella beta'd *grin*
*kisses* hope you're okay, ♥
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