Happy Belated Birthday cyane_snape!

Jun 14, 2009 18:55

Title: Surprise Inheritance
Author: softly_sweetly
Beta: None, mistakes are mine alone
Pairing: Al/Scorpius
Length: ~370
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are the property of J.K. Rowling. I make no money from this piece of fanfiction.
Warnings: Pre-Slash, Fluff,
Summary: Al's inherited more than his eyes from his Dad
Author Notes: Counts to prompt #25 Veins from my 100quills Next Generation Table

Happy Belated Birthday cyane_snape

"Fuck me."

Scorpius heard the words and opened his eyes, staring blearily around the dorm room. Al was stood over by his own bed, peering down his body as though he'd just grown a third leg. Scorpius looked Al up and down and decided that he definitely hadn't grown any extra limbs. Trying not to let his gaze linger too long on Al's groin, even though the sight of Al naked sent the blood pumping through Scorpius' veins, Scorpius groped around for his dressing gown and tossed it at Al. "Put some clothes on."

"No way! I'm never wearing clothes again! Look at my cock!"

Scorpius didn't need to be asked twice, and he looked again. After all, Al had invited him too, so it wasn't creepy and stalker-ish to look. "What about it?" Besides it's gorgeous and I want it Scorpius mentally added, swinging around to sit up in bed.

"It's huge!"

"It didn't grow overnight, Al."

"I know, but I only just noticed. This is brilliant!"

"That you have a huge cock?"

"That I've finally had a growth spurt."

Laughing, Scorpius pushed on his glasses and snuck another look at Al's cock, this one in crystal clarity. "You're still ridiculously short, Al."

"Yeah, but Dad's genes have given me something to make up for being a short arse."

"I guess you've inherited more than just weird eyes and straggly hair." Dodging the pillow Al tossed at him, Scorpius stood up and smirked gently. Just because Al was his friend, and his crush, didn't mean he would give him an easy time. "I'm still bigger than you, though."

Al's expression darkened. "Oh yeah? Wait here while I go and find a tape measure."

Scorpius opened his mouth, but Al was fast. The screams from the common room told Al what Scorpius hadn't had the time to get out, and Scorpius arranged his features into a smirk as he listened to Al cursing his way back up the stairs.

"You could have told me!"

"Where's the fun in that?"


Al disappeared back into the bathroom to get dressed, and Scorpius pulled on some clothes, idly wondering if Al was that big when hard, and if he'd ever let Scorpius get close enough to know. There were definitely worse ways to start a morning than this.

as/s, best wishes, 100quills, gift!fic, birthday, next!gen, fic, next generation 100.4 (softly_sweetly), hp-verse

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