Kill the Monsters: Icon Post

Dec 29, 2014 02:35

Hello sweeties :)
First of all, thanks to everyone for join the battle! c:
And please, anyone who comments this post chooses his favorite icon for each maker!

You'll find all the icons under the cut!
hunter / shapeshifters / werewolf / vampire / angel

witch / ghost / zombie / boogieman / frankenstein

demon / headless horseman / mummy / dragon / deadly sins

4 horsemen / djinn / gorgon / fairy / mermaid

The Zombie / The Ghost / The Angel / The Gorgon / The Djin

The Hunter / Te Dragon / The Vampire / The Deadly Sins / The Djin

The Headless Horseman (x2) / The Vampire / The Mummy / The Ghost

The Dragon / The Gorgon / The Boogeman (x3)

the hunter / the shapeshifters / the werewolf / the vampire / the angel

the witch / the ghost / the zombie / the boogeyman / the frankenstein

the demon / the headless horseman / the mummy / the dragon / the deadly sins

the four horsemen of the apocalypse / the djinn / the gorgon / the fairy / the mermaid

Hunter / Shapeshifters / Werewolf / Vampire / Angel

Witch / Ghost / Zombie / Boogeyman / Frankenstein

Demon / Headless Horsman / Mummy / Dragon / Deadly Sins (gluttony)

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse / Djinn / Gorgon / Fairy / Mermaid

the vampire / the mermaid / the hunter / the shapeshifters / werewolf

angel / witch / ghost / zombie / boogeyman

deadly sins (pride) / demon x2 / mummy / dragon

wewrewolf / boogeyman / dijinn / gorgon / demon

The Shapeshifters x5

The Werewoves x5

The Witches x5

The Mermaids




gallicka , sietepecados , violateraindrop , stydia OMG LADIES (you're all girls, right? XD) I DON'T KNOW WHY esseve POST HER ICONS AND I DON'T SEE THEM BECAUSE THE POST WAS A "SOUSPICIOUS COMMENT". I'm really sorry for this, i feel like a shit T^T
I have added her icons and please, comment her batch <3

!battle, 20in20

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