Title: Ferran Pairing: Alexis Sanchez/Cesc Fabregas Words: 1579 Disclaimer: this isn't true, it never happened, this is all in my imagination, etc. Rating: G Author's note: I don't do fluff. Ever. Yet here it is
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Cool! At last I can read slash without thinking in sex. Adoption is wonderful :D Ahahaha, and good portrait of Alexis, I'm so proud of being Chilean and more when I read fics with him from people external of myself (So as Sophia, LOL) =D Peace! PS: Sorry the userpic doesn't match so much, but Alexis' still there, LOL
Comments 4
Ahahaha, and good portrait of Alexis, I'm so proud of being Chilean and more when I read fics with him from people external of myself (So as Sophia, LOL)
PS: Sorry the userpic doesn't match so much, but Alexis' still there, LOL
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it <3
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