
Sep 09, 2009 11:34

Spam me. Do it. Want an icon out of a certain picture? Give it to me. Want me to alter an existing icon of mine? Ask. Want some icons from a specific episode or show? I will do it for you. :D I already have some requests to do, so why not do some more? :) I have today and tomorrow off from work, and next week I have three days in a row off, plus I have most of Saturday off. Plenty of time to make some icons and get some homework done, methinks. :)

  • Give me any picture, request, etc. as long as this post says it's open. 
  • However, it has to be feasible. As in, something I can actually make. :P
  • I don't have brushes, so you can't ask for me to use those. :'(
  • I will make what you ask to the best of my ability. If it's not exactly what you had in mind, sorry, but I'll try.
  • I don't make ugly things. :P (i.e. I won't cover a picture in text, or stick text somewhere weird, or do any manips of any kind. Sorry.)
  • No more than five (5) requests per person, unless I come back and specify more (or less).
I'll keep this post open as long as I think I can do all of the requests. :D


requests, icons

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