Are they on the same retro-baseball team? Or rival teams? Does Carden get to say THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL?
SANDLOT. I barely remember the sandlot. Except for something about kids, a baseball, a fence, and a dog... But I want that AU too. Or a mixture of them both. Hmm. Maybe Skoosie will write this. She's having writer's block. I am writing a Bob/William squeal thing. And also a Spencer/NickJonas Werewolf AU. What has happened to my brain.
But I will DEFINITELY try to weasel Skoosie into doing this.
I will not lie: if you can get Skoosie to write this, I will like, consider Christmas to have come early. In fact, I might have just died a little at the possibility. x___x
I do not know if they are on the same retro-baseball team or not! They could be! Or they could be BITTER WORLD SERIES RIVALS, or like, playing for the Yankees and the Red Sox or something and it's a DOUBLY FORBIDDEN ROMANCE (because they could overlook the gay, but a YANKEES PLAYER???)! Or, I DON'T EVEN KNOW. I just want them all dusty and sweaty and summer-y and smelling vaguely of glove oil and REALLY OBVIOUS SUGGESTIVENESS involving bats. *will return from her happy place momentarily*
(I SUPPORT SPENCER/NICK WEREWOLF AU SO VERY MUCH. OMG. YES. ...Not only because I get to use this icon. >.>;;; )
I sent her an email. And in the process, got super excited. Not gonna lie, if she doesn't want to, I totally will, and-- and wait for it, get this, best idea ever, okay, I just walked to get some groceries, and I was in an alley, and, like, just thinking to myself, right, when it HIT ME
( ... )
That is AWESOME. OMG. Oh god, BRENDON I LOVE HIS LITTLE SPARKLY SELF!! \0/ And yes, that title is complete and utter genius. I'm incoherent at the moment which is so, so lame because I need WORDS so I can explain JUST HOW AWESOME I THINK THIS IS. Can Disney + PATD be prep school kids?? I think they need to be the prep school kids vs. the public school kids. (I admit, I'm shallow--totally in it for the uniforms! XD )
And your team has GIRLS on it because they can kick your ass, Ryro. Best respect. XDDD *loves him*
Comments 70
Are they on the same retro-baseball team? Or rival teams? Does Carden get to say THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL?
SANDLOT. I barely remember the sandlot. Except for something about kids, a baseball, a fence, and a dog... But I want that AU too. Or a mixture of them both. Hmm. Maybe Skoosie will write this. She's having writer's block. I am writing a Bob/William squeal thing. And also a Spencer/NickJonas Werewolf AU. What has happened to my brain.
But I will DEFINITELY try to weasel Skoosie into doing this.
I do not know if they are on the same retro-baseball team or not! They could be! Or they could be BITTER WORLD SERIES RIVALS, or like, playing for the Yankees and the Red Sox or something and it's a DOUBLY FORBIDDEN ROMANCE (because they could overlook the gay, but a YANKEES PLAYER???)! Or, I DON'T EVEN KNOW. I just want them all dusty and sweaty and summer-y and smelling vaguely of glove oil and REALLY OBVIOUS SUGGESTIVENESS involving bats. *will return from her happy place momentarily*
(I SUPPORT SPENCER/NICK WEREWOLF AU SO VERY MUCH. OMG. YES. ...Not only because I get to use this icon. >.>;;; )
That is AWESOME. OMG. Oh god, BRENDON I LOVE HIS LITTLE SPARKLY SELF!! \0/ And yes, that title is complete and utter genius. I'm incoherent at the moment which is so, so lame because I need WORDS so I can explain JUST HOW AWESOME I THINK THIS IS. Can Disney + PATD be prep school kids?? I think they need to be the prep school kids vs. the public school kids. (I admit, I'm shallow--totally in it for the uniforms! XD )
And your team has GIRLS on it because they can kick your ass, Ryro. Best respect. XDDD *loves him*
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