Title: Rules for Survival
gemmi999Rating: PG-13 for themes/language
Warnings: Set in a post-apocalyptic world; mostly hints of bad things with no bad things themselves being seen.
Pairing: Kevin Jonas/Mike Carden PRE-SLASH.
Author’s Notes: I wrote this because I had an idea for a world that’s really different from our own, but at the same time really familiar and similar. It’s post-apocalyptic, in a world that isn’t outright explained but rather hinted at. Religion plays a LARGE part in this fic, and while some elements are familiar others aren’t. What type of religion is involved is not really specified, because it’s kind of a conglomeration of things. I do not in any way disparage anyone’s religion and I hope nothing like that comes across in this story.
Word Count: 3000ish
mywholecry. It isn't quite what you wanted, but I hope you enjoy it anyways! Happy holidays!
Summary: Mike isn’t a Revival Hopper-never wanted to be. Brendon and Spencer and Ryan are, and he’s heard enough, seen enough, to know that he doesn’t want that life. But then he’s caught stealing at the Jonas Family Revival Extravaganza and everything changes. AU.
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