
Nov 09, 2008 22:35

We have couch surfers staying with us at the moment.

They're so damn cute!

They're a couple, from Belgium, and both 23 years old. They're here just for tonight and tomorrow night.

Yay foreigners! I want to pinch their cheeks, but I think that would be too forward.

visitors-couch surfers

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Comments 10

new_perestroika November 9 2008, 12:30:01 UTC
Maybe you could try ruffling their hair affectionately instead?

Me and Chris are planning on Plush Pizza tomorrow night after spending the whole day telling people how good it was. Would you care to join us for a two-pizza cheap-day nom? (Ben Special and Potato Swoon FTW!)


socraticomatic November 9 2008, 13:15:29 UTC
Ooooh yes, that sounds good.

What time's good for you?


socraticomatic November 9 2008, 14:16:57 UTC
Or, you could just send me an SMS about 20mins before you'll arrive, and I'll be there.


new_perestroika November 9 2008, 22:36:42 UTC
I guess probably around seven or seven thirty? I will send you a message. Chris has to interview for his job this afternoon so I'm not sure when he'll be back, but I imagine it won't be too late.

Aw. Theo is all squished up next to me and is having twitchy dreams.


HEY! inthezoo November 9 2008, 14:24:37 UTC
Why aren't we LJ friends? Weird.
And couch surfers!! aw aw aww!


Re: HEY! socraticomatic November 9 2008, 14:43:29 UTC
What are you talking about? We are LJ friends, have been all along, duhhhh... ;)

They're cute - I love northern Europeans.


Re: HEY! inthezoo November 9 2008, 14:47:33 UTC
But but.. you weren't on my f-list! It's all good now! ^^

They must be; the further they are, the cuter they must be.


Re: HEY! socraticomatic November 9 2008, 14:56:07 UTC
Just messing with your mind :)


tin_foil_hat November 9 2008, 21:25:47 UTC
You can tell them cheek-pinching is an australian custom. They totally won't know better >_>


zebrallama November 11 2008, 09:01:01 UTC
True. But ... cheek-pinching IS a custom where my grandmother came from, and I still almost killed her every time she did it.


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