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May 19, 2012 14:03

The Widder Report

Well, the young barn swallows are over a week old today. ALL FIVE OF THEM. WEDGED INTO A NEST THE SIZE OF A GRAPEFRUIT. O_O

They seem to be built with an instinctive sense of edges, though, and each keeps to his/her own spot in the nest, so that there's little danger of anyone pushing anyone else out. And see that bird butthole? The one above the big white feather? Right after I took that photo, the chick projectile-pooped right over the side of the nest! Then he turned around and resumed his regular position. It was the most amazing thing ever. THEY ARE HOUSEBROKEN, LOL.

The Widder Barnes, meanwhile, feeds them mostly in the mornings and evenings, when the winged insects are out in full force over our swimming pool and the livestock ponds, and I feed them after dark when their mom apparently sleeps in a nearby tree (or possibly goes clubbing.) There's also a new addition to the group: an adult swallow whom I have named Doris Freeloader. Doris seems to have no ties to the family and is only there to help herself to the perpetual cup of mealworms. She doesn't try to threaten or harm the family, but The Widder is smaller and a bit intimidated by Doris, and flies away whenever Doris appears. Fortunately Doris eats quickly.

These are the bloodworms (aka mosquito larva) that I feed the chicks. NOM NOM NOM.

I'll give you a moment to throw up in your mouth a little.

There, now you feel better.

Also, note the kitteh in the lower left corner. He's the one who killed Father Barnes. GO AWAY, KITTEH. DO NOT BRING YOUR EVIL HERE.

When all five babies are gaping their mouths at once, it looks hilarious, like a Hallelujah Choir of Skeksis and Fizzgig.

"Yuuuuuuuum, yum. It's larrupin' good!"
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