I never have anything to say

Oct 26, 2015 21:57

So it's been a very long time since my last update. Nothing new to report. I continue to be single and lonely, with no real friendships except one or two very close ones. I have some big plans for next summer (that I will probably detail in a separate post) and I've lost some weight and overall, life isn't unbearable. Except when it is ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

frenchroast October 27 2015, 14:46:31 UTC
I think we all fall into times like this, where it seems like there's nothing to post on LJ. It's okay to be quiet, if that's how you need to LJ for awhile. Just please do stick around. :)


boyzici October 27 2015, 16:13:03 UTC
I enjoyed your DITL recently.


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