Ehehe. angrybee is one of my good friends. 8D I don't really read fanfiction anymore unless it pops up on my friends' list because someone has decided to write, haha. But I've known Bee since like, 2004 or something. :F
No wayyy! xD I was reading her fanfiction years ago. But i reread it once in a while, like once a year or so. I still read fanfictions a lot but i have to be in the mood aka i have to be a fangirling over the anime/manga etc at that time. I go through phases - a LOT. xD
uhhh..i don't want to get into HP xD I can hardly manage all the fandoms i have. I love the books but i try to stay away from anything else concerning HP, lol!
Comments 4
I still read fanfictions a lot but i have to be in the mood aka i have to be a fangirling over the anime/manga etc at that time. I go through phases - a LOT. xD
Yeahhh. I read it if it shows up on my list, like I say...sometimes it's anime, but right now I'm obsessed with a friend's Harry Potter one. :X
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