Title: Sunday
Pairing: Chibs/ Juice (established)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: On a rare day off, the boys get back to nature. Smut ensues.
Warnings: Boys. Sex. It's why we're all here, people. Maybe, spoilers for S5
Notes: Thanks, again to
spacebabe for her expertise on commas, POV and upping the smut factor:-)
Sunday )
Comments 11
It's rainy and gross here, with the first snow watch of winter '12-13 on for the next few days, and I am gonna be rereading this, oh yes.
Yeah, it's getting pretty chilly here too so maybe we should all be writing sunshine fics for the boys...
Or, maybe, we could all get a bit seasonal. I'm thinking snowball fights, I'm thinking christmas trees.... Oh, oh, oh, xmas woolly hats, knitted by Happy's mom!
Okay, I'll go away now. But thanks for the loveliness
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