i love weddings too!! :) i started a wedding blog (separate so that people won't be annoyed at me posting about my wedding everyday. hehe): chocolate_mango
Girl, what a doll baby Christian is! He is soooooo cute. I remember when my friend told me about her baby discovering her fist. It was the cutest thing. She would stare at her fist and then fall asleep holding her fist in front of her face. Does Christian do that too?
It is the cutest thing! hehe. I wish Christian would fall asleep staring at his fist. haha, that would be so funny. No, when it's nap time, he always cries himself to sleep. regardless if I'm holding him or if he's laying down alone. he hates sleeping...so he fights it. putting him down for the night is the easiest b/c I nurse him to sleep, then quietly tuck him in his crib. : )
he's adorable! how's motherhood treating you? what's the secret to make him sleep through the night? my 7 month old is still waking up through the night. every 2-3 hours!
motherhood is great now!!! it wasn't so great in the beginning. scroll up to my response to ducks for my daily routine - that's what i do to get him sleeping through the night. hopefully it helps, but i hear some babies just won't do it.
kaylee doesn't go to bed until after 11pm.. she wakes up at 1am... then 3:30am.. then either 6 something or 7 or she can go until 8ish when her dad gets up for work. She's always been like this since she was born but had even woken up more times. She's up by 9am, eats her rice cereal, by 10ish she's down for her morning nap which lasts aboue 2 hours.. gets up, plays then eats again.. if she napped less than 2 hours in the morning, she'll go down for a early afternoon nap.. then around 5pm, she'll go for anotehr hour nap and will be wake until 11pm for bedtime. We've tried to give her a bath before bed b/c it's supposed to be soothing.. it didn't work. We tried the crying method, but it didn't work. So I guess she's just one of those babies that will wake up through the night. We have a few friends who's kids are like that too and they're like 2 years old and still get up at least once through the night. I'm so jealous of you!!
Comments 39
keep updating on your wedding plans. i looooove weddings!
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