the guy said everybody can see what I'm writing just like I can see what everybody else is writing. That is COOL! oh, my name is SAGE and I was just born even though I'm not a baby. I'm definitely not a little kid either! this is what I look like:
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[He assumes that by "teacups" Sage means the giant teacup-shaped contraptions. It's the only "teacup-esque landmark" he's seen anyway.
It's not long after their exchange that he arrives, noticing how a large group of people climb into the "cups" for no other apparent purpose than to scream their heads off while the mechanisms rapidly spin. The only thing weirder than this freakish place, Rise decides, is the people in it.]
Yo! [frowns at his brother. Yes, he definitely needs to beat him so he can learn how to be more social]
He stands away from the crowds and lifts his hands before his face, crouching into an attack position.] Last chance to forfeit.
[he just moves his feet apart a little, completely certain that he can face anything Rise throws at him. He was fighting in his dream after all, and totally kicking ass (even if he can't quite remember how)]
[He dashes from his spot, rushing toward Sage. When close enough, he throws a fist for his chest. It's strange; even without memories, it's like his body inherently knows.]
[[ooc: I had an idea. Since they're fighting publicly, it would likely alert the mannequin security, so maybe they could get interrupted by a rush of them and have to call a truce in order to escape arrest?]]
((ooc: sure that sounds good! since i suck at describing fights anyway. and SORRY AGAIN for my slow, i should be much quicker now that it's the weekend))
[[ooc: Awesome! 8) And no worries!]]
However, he's too distracted to notice the swarm of mannequins in security uniforms swarming in from all directions. At least until they start demanding they stop and announce the two are under arrest.]
No win for you. Now you have to be nice to everyone.
((ooc: want to call it here? and should we still have them doing their penalties for the bet? :') ))
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