Closed: Interrogations with Draco Malfoy

Nov 25, 2013 16:35

He'd been up half the night, strung out in his office, pushing through paperwork and working on any new leads he could find. The news of Dennis Creevey had hit Harry hard. He remembered just how bloody annoying he was while they were in school but he'd always been fond of him. Both the Creevey brothers. Now, he had to ring Colin up and explain to ( Read more... )

draco malfoy

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_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 01:21:40 UTC
He lifted a sleek arm to place that wine goblet against the smooth marble surface, the red liquid sloshing about dryly as it landed.

It was late.

Candles lit the organic shape of his private baths as burning frankincense wafted through the dim candlelight, creating a subtle musk.
Draco had been taking some time to unwind, gently kicking his feet below the hot, bubbling water.
With his dry hand, he flicked his wand to turn the page of the floating book, reading from the olive tome he had been discussing with Mandy.


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 04:06:41 UTC
Abruptly cutting him off,

"Punishment is for those who have committed a crime. And it is not your decision as to whether or not I have committed one, you are no rank of the Wizengamot, must I remind you Auror Potter? That you are only an extension of the law, a Super Citizen, and as that you are expected to uphold the rights of everyone under its jurisdiction, yes myself included, have you forgotten, innocent until proven guilty?"

He was incensed now, a pink blush coming to the surface of his skin as he'd rattled on.

"Have you found my kitchens to your liking?" He bit out.


so_harry November 26 2013, 04:12:46 UTC
Harry turned on his heel, doing his best to mask the laughter creeping up his throat. He hadn't seen Malfoy since the night of the reunion - drunk and incensed as they played a pick-up match. There was no winner as everyone was too sloshed to play properly but he never did forget the look on Malfoy's face when they were down in the locker rooms.

But then, here they were and Harry couldn't help but enjoy the blush creeping into Malfoy's skin.

"My, my, you're getting awfully worked up over a crime you didn't commit," he said. "I didn't realize one could blush around the-" he gestured to his chest before glancing around the kitchens once more.

"I do admit, it's not to my taste but I could see the appeal.."


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 04:27:55 UTC
"Such a pity it isn't to your liking. Luckily, your stay will be short." He spoke deliberately, calmly, all tension from his earlier comment seemingly flushed.

He turned on his heel and directed Harry out of the kitchens and into a hallway reaching his dining hall.

This incredible room contained all of the splendor that encompassed the Malfoy/Black fortune.

"Is this more what you were looking for?" Draco put a hand on the towel at his hips, standing aside to let Harry observe all that before him.

The room, obviously.


so_harry November 26 2013, 04:33:25 UTC

Harry was, in fact, impressed. While he'd had a small fortune himself, his taste was never so grand. He was more of a minimalist, he supposed. But this - this was very nice. He turned toward Malfoy, his eyes flicking slightly to the towel and wondering how on Earth it was still hanging there.

It wasn't as if there was much to keep it up.

"This is probably your mother's handiwork, no?"


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 04:46:50 UTC
If he were not in Harry's company, he would have smiled warmly at the thought of his Mother.

Instead, given the circumstances, his lip twitched once.

"There was a time, once, when no event was safe from being outshown by the sunshine of my Mother's fine tastes."

He did not feel as if this was a particularly private admission. He felt as though any person that had attended even one of her many holiday events would agree with this same sentiment.

He glanced slowly around the room, his grey eyes filling with storm clouds.


so_harry November 26 2013, 04:57:49 UTC
He watched Malfoy carefully, wondering what was going to get him to snap. He let out a low whistle as he caught sight of a particularly extravagant chandelier. He glanced up at it, titling his head back just slightly to appreciate the charm of the object before glancing back over at Malfoy.

"It's a shame, then," he said, shaking his head with a deep sigh. "To have heard where she is-"

Locked up in the loony bin - he'd heard. Lucius apparently dead and Narcissa all but, it seemed.


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 05:12:50 UTC
"You have your shining blue warrant, Potter, oh yesss you do," his words were low and boiling, but he made no attempt at any true aggression as he spoke slowly,

"But it does not arrest me to entertain any words with you of my Mother. I will not see you barge into my home in the wee night hours, personally disrespect me on my own property, only to follow up with mocking what is left of my family. I will be filing a report with the DMLE about our encounter tonight, so I would suggest that you continue to choose your words carefully."

The Slytherin coloured combination of their gazes crashed between them dangerously.


so_harry November 26 2013, 05:30:07 UTC

And there it was.

"Mocking? Merlin's beard, Malfoy - that was certainly not my intention. Why, the respect I hold for your family-" he held his hand to his chest briefly before letting it drop to his side. "-Just knowing the hand they had in my parents' murder- well, how could I ever think of disrespecting them?"

He coughed out a harsh laugh.

"You can file a million reports Malfoy," he said. "But you'll have to know they won't do me any trouble or you any good. Like you said - I'm just an Auror. Do you think this my decision? To come here? And talk with you when I could be out? Or in, of course, with this fantastic woman who works at the pub right around the corner- bloody crazy in bed-"

He grinned.

"No, no- I'm just doing what I'm told, of course."


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 05:54:29 UTC
"Are you some sort of pervert? If you think I have any interest in your sexual life, Potter, you are mistaken," he spat.

He rounded in the spot and led Harry back through the foyer to the great staircase.

"You're advised to choose your words carefully and yet that is what you chose? How can you function in society? Is it quite hard?" He spoke as though he genuinely would like to know.


so_harry November 26 2013, 13:53:51 UTC
Harry smirked, rubbing briefly at the back of his neck as he followed Malfoy out of the dining room and back toward the center staircase. He'd already realized that Malfoy had nothing to do with the Burning Man - the tension in Malfoy wasn't what Harry recognized as guilt. At least, not having to do with this particular case.

But something was biting through at the man and Harry was intrigued.

"Oh, now you're just being sensitive," he said with a wave of his hand. "I came here tonight to do this the easy way-"

He cut himself off, pursing his lips in a straight line and showing Malfoy a hard stare.

"But if you refuse to give me an alibi here and now, you'll be hearing from the Wizengamot. They'll extract one from you by order of the court."


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 17:02:06 UTC
"Then perhaps, for once, you're right," he concluded with a long low exhale, already formulating his alibi because he knew it wasn't Harry that he fought honestly, it was the Wizengamot.

"I know enough that i'll end up saying it, either here or in court, so let us get on with it. Get your quill ready,"

He stopped at the foot of his staircase, his arm reached out to the side as his balled fist landed for support on the newel post. He squared up his chest with a deep breath, his other arm resting on his hip,

"Mandy Brocklehurst and I were here, together."

He stated simply.


so_harry November 26 2013, 18:20:32 UTC
Harry looked up from his parchment, the quill scribbling those few words.

"That's it?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. "You two were just here all day? And she'll attest to that?"

He wasn't aware that Malfoy and Mandy knew each other. Not like he knew Mandy all that well, himself- aside from biblical sense, of course. But he tried to push that from his head as he regarded the man across from him.


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 19:01:18 UTC
"She was with me for most of the day, yes. From the afternoon until after dinner."

He didn't move, just holding Harry's stare with his own.


so_harry November 26 2013, 19:07:14 UTC
The body was found before noon, propped up in the back of a muggle metro card. It had been hell working with the Muggle police department. It had taken a few Memory Charms to get them settled down and he didn't envy the process.

He nodded, making the note on the parchment.

"And before then?" he asked.


_draco_m_ November 26 2013, 19:29:19 UTC
He took a thoughtful breath, recollecting to himself.

"I had tea that morning over the paper, followed by tending to the business of the Malfoy Estate. I was in communication with Gringotts for a good portion of that morning," and hating to add, "discussing a discrepancy in one of my accounts. But I had not left my study until Mandy arrived that afternoon."

He cocked his head to one side,

"I work with Ragnok, the Head of Gringotts, only. We do business often. Perhaps now that i've spoken his name, he can receive a midnight visit? I'm positive he'd fancy that quite a bit."


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