Title: One More Pairing: Lita/Punk Rating: PG Complete: Yes Genre: Fluff Prompt:15. one more kiss// Table Word Count: 317 Summary: After being split up Punk and Lita miss each other more than ever.
Oh, I loved this. So much emotion in it and I adore your descriptions.
she had never felt this much passion or need or want for any other person she'd ever been with.
That line just seems to sum up exactly what their relationship is like, and I think it also shows exactly why they have so much chemistry. This was just great and lovely and totally blew me away :)
I love it. I could see them having a relationship like this. Personally Amy is the best girl he's been with and he is the best man she has been with. I am biased of course but whatever.
I loved that she called him an asshole for some strange reason, it was cute without being over the top. You write this pairing so well Ashley. I really enjoyed it :)
Comments 8
she had never felt this much passion or need or want for any other person she'd ever been with.
That line just seems to sum up exactly what their relationship is like, and I think it also shows exactly why they have so much chemistry. This was just great and lovely and totally blew me away :)
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