Title: He Likes Shopping Pairing: Lita/Punk Rating: R Complete: Yes. Genre: Fluff, humour. Prompt:10. Shopping// Table Summary: He hated shopping, but maybe she was about to change that. Warnings: Contains vague mentions of sex toys.
Yes he did. Again, you get to figure out what she took him to in that store but my ex-gf who works in such a store gave me ideas and now the images are endless and definitely dirty.
She takes him into a sex shop, and he announces that he no longer hates shopping. Go figure. But he is just a man, after all.
I love that you didn't outright tell us what they were looking at, and let our imaginations run wild. Maybe that's not such a good thing for my dirty mind, but eh. I loved this and the flow of it. It was perfect.
I love sex shops, I admit it. The stuff in there amuses me, and finding out what people are into is interesting if not a little shocking. My ex works in one, she gets the strangest people in there.
I was thinking lots of thoughts, and none of them good. Deliciously dirty ;)
I can't even step foot in one without turning purple. It's definitely interesting and I like looking around in them, but I usually get teased mercilessly. I can't help it!
Comments 9
This was too funny, I so got a visual of him trudging through the mall with a sour look on his face. Loved it :)
Fantastic work on this, Ashley.
I love that you didn't outright tell us what they were looking at, and let our imaginations run wild. Maybe that's not such a good thing for my dirty mind, but eh. I loved this and the flow of it. It was perfect.
I can only imagine what you were thinking.
I can't even step foot in one without turning purple. It's definitely interesting and I like looking around in them, but I usually get teased mercilessly. I can't help it!
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