Seven Emotions, part One

May 11, 2011 18:30

 Title: Bravery
Character focus: Seung-ri
Rating: PG
Summary: Seung-ri feels brave
A/N: Part one of the Seven Emotions series :) which is, essentially, an attempt to inspire and spur myself into being creative on a daily basis... Please enjoy!

Seung-ri pretends that he isn’t looking but he’s the kind of boy that really cannot keep his eyes to himself. He looks and looks until Ji-yong shoves an elbow into his side, forcing the air out of his lungs.


“It’s rude, what you’re doing,” says Ji-yong, who is always discreet and much less socially awkward than Seung-ri.

“He looks unhappy,” Seung-ri insists.

“That doesn’t make it your business. No one can be happy all the time. Now keep your nose in your face where it belongs.”


“You’re nosy, Seung-ri. Leave it alone.”

But Seung-ri has always been stubborn and there’s no one who can talk him out of swatting Ji-yong away in favour of more important matters - such as helping. Good Seung-ri always helps, even when he shouldn’t, perhaps, and Ji-yong rolls his eyes accordingly.

“Seung-hyun hyung.” Seung-ri smiles softly as he sits down next to him in what is commonly considered a most dangerous zone to enter. He holds his breath.

“Hi, Seung-ri.”

Nothing happens and Seung-ri doesn’t get hit. Phew!

They sit quietly and Seung-ri kicks his legs about, thinking that Seung-hyun’s forehead has wrinkles where there shouldn’t be any. His hyung is handsome but he’s worried. It’s not right.

Seung-hyun is a complicated man and Seung-ri doesn’t pretend to understand. But he helps. Quietly, he slips his hand down under the table and secretly fits it into Seung-hyun’s. Once again, nothing happens - there are no sparks because Seung-ri does not have that kind of power but when he gives a little squeeze, Seung-hyun squeezes back.

Seung-ri has a big heart and he isn’t scared to help. When Ji-yong looks at them, he wonders why he didn't think of that first.


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