Title: Wheedling (Generosity pt 3)
Pairing: Bae-ri
Rating: PG-13
Summary: If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours
A/N: THIS IS NOT THE PORN YOU’RE LOOKING FOR (for that is still in the works ^^)
“Why are you so sad?”
Young-bae sighs. “I’m not sad, I’m tired.”
“Won’t you smile?” Seung-ri tilts his head to the side and blinks his eyes in that annoying way. “Won’t you, please? I like it so much better when you’re smiling.”
“Maybe I don’t care what you think.”
“Silly man.” Seung-ri jumps up on the couch and pushes his thumbs to the corners of Young-bae’s mouth. “Smiiile!”
But Young-bae bats his hands away and Seung-ri falls flat on his arse.
It’s so like Seung-ri, Young-bae thinks, to just grab and take and demand when he wants something - never considering the feelings of others.
It’s selfish.
Now they sit quietly, and Seung-ri hasn’t moved from the carpet. It’s a thick kind of silence, a bubble of sorts, and eventually Seung-ri’s fingers itch to poke a hole into its shiny surface.
“You know, if you want to bruise my butt, you could at least have the courtesy to use your own hand.”
There it is, and Seung-ri’s heart slams open. Young-bae smiles.