The Higgs - Ch. 6

Apr 25, 2009 21:37

Following in the footsteps of her big brothers, Haddie joined the A+ club!

Proudly, she marched her report card straight to her dad. Who, like usual, was busy doing research.

Secretly seeing each other, hanging out after work was the easiest way Atlas and Justin could spend time together without being obvious.

Atlas: Hey, did I tell you I got another promotion?

Justin: Oh, f**k you, ha ha!

Atlas: What can I say, if you've got it, you've got it!

The boys went inside and watched Fetch. Justin couldn't keep his mind on the movie though.

Justin (to himself): I was a child actor, I should be getting promoted if anyone.

Needing to take his mind off things, Justin decided to monkey around online.

Justin: Let's see if Seamus is on. I'm totally gonna mess with him if he is.

Justin: 25/F/blonde/36dd/your place

Atlas: *yawn*

Atlas: Oh, come on, leave my brother alone. Oh god, he's really falling for it.

As amusing as it was, it was getting pretty late, so Atlas took the cue to exit.

Atlas: I should probably jet, I didn't exactly tell my parents I was going to stay out all night.

But, Justin thought otherwise, and pushed him onto the sofa on his way out.

Justin: Wait, not so fast! Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?

All that pent up tension from work, led to... this.

Justin: I think I'm going to fold the bed out, it'll be more comfortable.

Atlas had an idea where this was leading, and things were moving a little too fast for his liking.

Once the gloves started coming off though, he knew. Tactfully, he excused himself and left.

Hoping to slip in unnoticed, his plan was foiled by running into Seamus on the stairwell. Not a word was spoken, but the eyes and body language said it all.

Seamus (thinking): He's just now coming home?

Atlas (thinking): I'm so busted! *gulp*

Their mom was having a kaniption fit, so thankfully, Seamus didn't rat him out.

Alice: I'm worried, Atlas hasn't come home from work yet. Don't you think he's been spending an awful lot of time with Rob & Cyndie's son? They're probably not up to any good.

Hadron: Wha... huh?

Hadron: Wait, what exactly are you implying here? He's a teenager, give 'em an inch and they take a mile. I'm not saying that it's right for him to stay out all hours of the night, just, no need to jump to any conclusions.

Alice: So, that's it, do nothing?

Hadron: Just relax, and get some sleep! *chuckles*

It was "Casual Friday" at their school, the one day they didn't have to bother with those cumbersome uniforms. But, the latest chatter wasn't about Casual Friday, it was the announcement of the Spring Prom.

Justin: I think I'd rather go see 'Romeo & Juliet'.

Everyone was ogling each other in hopes of finding dates.

Katrina: Hmm, they're going to be in the same boat as me. I wonder if I should just ask one of them?

Justing: So, do you wanna go to prom?

Atlas: Are you kidding? We'll get our asses kicked!

Back to reality, as the students scramble back to class.

Ginger: Are we still on for practice later? By the way, did you hear, prom's coming up. *giggles*

Ms. McGaw was thier Science teacher. She didn't take any guff from the students.

Ms. McGaw: As I call your name, read me your score.

Atlas: I didn't do my homework.

Ms. McGaw: What was that, Mr. Higgs?

Classmates: Oooh, he's gonna get it!

Atlas: I said, I didn't DO my homework!

Ms. McGaw: Congratulations, you just won yourself a trip to detention after school.

Ms. McGaw: While I write up Mr. Higgs' detention in the office, I would like the class to turn to page 309 and read chapter 22. And, that includes you too, Miss Newson.

Katrina: I think she's easing up in her age.

Ahh, the lunch bell, and not a moment too soon! Seamus hurried ahead so he could shoot a few hoops.

An admirer popped in to watch, and congratulated him on his slam dunk.

Ginger tried to work up the nerve to ask Justin to prom, while Gavin devised a plan to help his sister out.

Seamus quickly gulped down some mac & cheese before the bell.

Seamus: Have you asked anyone to prom yet?

Katrina: No, and if you're asking me, you can kiss my ass!

Seamus: Huh? I was just making conversation, that's all.

Love struck, Seamus looked out the window for the mystery girl in the gym.

Seamus: I didn't even get her name. Geez, why did I have to get all bashful like that? I really hate myself sometimes.

This is their block class, it consists of math, language arts, and history.

Atlas: Seamus held me up, I hope I'm not late.

Justin: Can I copy your paper? I left my math book at home.

Atlas: I was going to ask you the same thing.

Atlas: Well, looks like you'll be joining me in detention.

Lance saw Seamus with the mystery girl in the gym at lunch, and decided to give him a hard time about it.

Lance: I saw you with Kathy today. Are you bonin' her, or what?

Ginger: *snorts*

Seamus: Who? WHAT?!

Seamus (to himsef): So, her name's Kathy...

Afterschool, Atlas pulled Justin aside in the gym.

Atlas: Come here, we have a few minutes.

Justin: I think I hear someone, ha ha.

Boy, it's a good thing Lance had his nose burried in the rule book!

Gavin playing with his balls before practice.

This has to be the most unlikely choice of candidates for the boys & girls basketball teams. Poor turnout this year?

Coach Okuma: You're late! Come with me, we're going to the library.

There they played an intense game of Oregon Trail. It wasn't exactly homework, but it was educational, so it passed.

Justin: Let's talk about prom. I say we get fake dates.

Atlas: Or, we could just say we're not going, and go stag at the last minute. Justin liked this idea!

Ginger threw her arm out, cutting practice short for the day. Lance was a gentleman, and accompanied her to the office.

Lance: I warned you. It's the way you throw, you torque your arm all out of wack. Keep it up, and you'll probably need surgery somewhere down the road.

The boys flocked to Candice like flies.
Pierce: I was wondering, if you would like to, maybe, go to prom with me? No pressure or anything.

Candice: That's very sweet of you, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline.

Candice: Justin, I've been looking all over for you! I wanted to ask you something.

Justin: Hold the phone! This doesn't happen to be about prom, does it?

Candice: Oh, come on. Won't you go with me, please?

Justin: Sorry, it's nothing personal, just not my thing.

He didn't get two feet away when he was approached again.

Gavin: My sister is kind of shy, but she really wants to ask you to the prom.

Justin: Ew, no... I don't do school dances!

Seamus helped out in the cafeteria after school for credits as part of his senior marketing class.

As he was cleaning up, he saw her looking at the flyers, it was Kathy Miller.

Kathy: Oh, hello, long time no see. You're here awfully late.

Seamus: I work here. Want a grand tour of the place?

Kathy adored his dorkiness.

Seamus: This... this is where the magic happens.

Seamus: Actually, I was wondering if you had a date for the prom?

But, the magic fizzled away when Heath Butler butted in.

Heath: Back off, you douche, she's mine!

Seamus: Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend.

Kathy: Don't worry about him. He's my ex-boyfriend, he thinks he owns me.

With that, he kissed her hand gently.

Seamus: So, I guess it's a date then?

Kathy: I would be delighted.

ts2, sims 2, higgs, the higgs, sim stories

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