The Higgs - Ch. 5

Mar 29, 2009 00:53

Seamus and Atlas both decided to take on afterschool jobs. But, neither of them had to work today, so they spent the afternoon getting caught up on their schoolwork so they could have the rest of the evening free.

Their first paychecks weren't the greatest, but that money was still burning holes in their pockets all the same. By the time they finally got to Desprit Duds & Dreads, it was already closing up.

Atlas: What gives? New hours?

Police were arriving on the scene. It looks like the Unsavory Charlatan had struck again and robbed a cashier.

Seamus decided to make the most of it, and busted out some old skool rhymes.

Seamus: [singing] So this is what I've got to say to you all. Be true to yourself and you will never fall. And now I'd like to pass the mic to the 'A'...

At that moment Claire Tellerman joined in with the next verse.

Claire: So what's your name, Yauch? My name is M.C.A....

Atlas: What the hell? This is MY part!

Feeling dejected, Atlas went home and called Justin. With all the added pressures of work, he really needed to just go hang out with a friend.

He and Justin had become really close, no matter what, he was always there for him.

Alice's promotion to 'magazine editor' was very short lived, after one fateful night out at the movies with some co-workers. Alice filed a grievance, but until something could be resolved, she would have to bite the bullet and take the demotion.

It's too bad Haddie's birthday parties are always tainted with stuff like this. Alice tried not to think of it, but it really put a damper on her mood.

Once the guests arrived, and the party shifted into full gear, she felt a lot better though. Maybe, it was actually a good thing she had all of this going on to take her mind off things.

This year, Haddie was able to blow out all the candles herself!

Haddie was a little apprehensive about growing up. Maybe she wouldn't like being a big-kid, or having to go to school?

After the transition, things didn't seem quite as scary. The cake and ice cream probably helped.

Haddie survived her first day of school. She sure looks a lot like Atlas at that age!

Seamus, who had taken a job at the hospital, was promoted to EMT. This was the top of the career path for his age group, and combined with his good grades, he had achieved status as an overachiever. Looks like scholarships are right around the corner for him.

Atlas had taken a job in the entertainment field with his pal Justin, and worked different hours. For the first time ever, Seamus had some time to himself. But, he wasn't altogether sure that he liked this. It felt like they were drifting apart.

Atlas was promoted from mascot to mime, fulfilling his childhood dream of being a street performer. And, like his brother, was also an overachiever.

Atlas: Ha, take that dad!

Justin crept out of the shadows to congratulate his friend.

Justin: Oh man, I'm sorry I flaked out today.

Atlas noogied his head and gave him a hard time about missing work.

Justin: I found a place we can hang out at. Meet me at the "Green Man" tomorrow after work.

The crazy neighbor lady, being the hypocrite that she is, couldn't help but butt in.

Crazy Neighbor Lady: This is the problem with our youth today. You need more rules and a firm foundation, not out running around all willy-nilly.

Atlas: Yeahhhh... whatever lady.

At breakfast, Hadron and Seamus had a deep discussion about girls and dating - or his lack of it.

Hadron: Well, if you're really that hard up for a date you could always call up the ol' fortune teller and see what she can conjure up for you.

He meant it as a joke, but Seamus followed it to the letter.

Seamus: Don't you think she's a little... well... old for me?

Caryl the Fortune Teller: Sorry, you get what you pay for. Maybe you should have waited 'till your next paycheck.

Ally was giving a demonstration of her magical skills, when Alice and Atlas arrived back home from work. Alice was so distracted she didn't even take the time to acknowledge that her claim that had been settled, or that her position to magazine editor had been restored.

Alice (to herself): Who the hell is this, and what is she doing with my son?

Atlas absentmindedly fumbled through the mail, looking for free meal coupons, tossing aside all the boring stuff in the process.

The two ventured out to, where else, but the Green Man pub. The whole ordeal was a little awkward, but Seamus attempted to make the most of it.

Seamus: That's a real pretty dress. Did you make it yourself?

Soon, they became engaged... in a debate. Modern medicine vs. holistic healing.

After dinner, Ally decided to show him her familiar. Seamus thought he was pretty cool.

Seamus: Whoa, I've never seen a cat like this before!

Keri, the waitress, informed him that it was 8:00 PM and all minors had to either go upstairs to the game room, or outside to the dinning area.

They decided to call it a night, and say goodbye. The date wasn't entirely a flop, so Seamus decided to have his first kiss. Well, actually, it was the first kiss for both of them.

Atlas was pissed that Seamus was out with the car so late. He had plans to meet with Justin almost an hour ago.

Seamus: I'm sorry, I didn't know!

Quick as a wink, he was out of there; narrowly missing Ally on the way out.

Justin: Oh, there you are. I was starting to think you stood me up. *goose*

Justin: Loser buys dinner!

Atlas: I really hope that's the pool que you're shoving into my back.

Justin: It's not.

A new girl in town, Candice Hartman, asked if she could join. Atlas was more than happy to oblige.

Atlas: Now, this is my kind of girl!

Atlas got nervous, and failed miserably. Looks like dinner's on him tonight.

Justin wasn't too happy about the new teammate, and played a fierce game.

But, she was better.

Atlas could tell something was bothering Justin.

Atlas: Why are you acting like this? Look, I'm going to go down and get some food, either come with or don't.

Candice couldn't take her eyes off Justin, and clung to his every word.

In a desperate attempt to give her the brush off, Justin reached over and took a bite of Atlas' salad.

Atlas: Hey, what are you doing?

Justin: Stealing a bite, you can try my borscht if you want.

Justin: So, whaddya think?

Atlas (sarcastically): Mmm... earthy.

Candice (to herself): These guys are weird.

Atlas dropped Candice off first, then swung into Central Park East.

Justin: What are we doing here?

Atlas: I wanted to ask you something, in private.

Atlas: I know this might sound crazy, but, I picked up on what you were doing tonight, and... I was wondering if I could, y'know... kiss you?

Justin had been secretly waiting for this moment for a very long time!

Even though it was starting to rain, Atlas didn't feel like going inside right away. In fact, he didn't even make a peep when Justin, who was completely oblivious that he was even outside, came by with a single red rose to show his appreciation.

He immediately examined the rose, grinning to himself, as he thought about the events that unfolded earlier.

ts2, sims 2, higgs, the higgs, sim stories

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