Election Night

Nov 04, 2008 00:27

Ok, it's gone midnight here, so it's officially November 4th and therefore election day. No way was my little spate of picspamming going to let it go by, so here's Election Night. This is mostly for Christine and Jill, for guilting me into doing this and not Election Day, even though I really wanted to do it. Who knows, if I blow off my french work for tomorrow, I might get it done. Yeah. Whateves. So here it is: Election Night.

OH! ALSO!! Have two songs, because I'm in a giving mood.
Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin' (feat. in the episode.)
Bic Runga - Election Night.

MAN: Mr. Ziegler said you were a little edgy on election days, so, just to show there are no hard feelings, how about if I go down there and vote for the President? Right now.
JOSH: As a matter of fact, that would be nice.
MAN:No problem. Do you happen to know if I need to be... I don't know, pre-registered or something?
JOSH: Yes!

SAM: He wrote a concession speech.
JOSH: Of course he wrote a concession speech. Why wouldn't he? What possible reason would he have for not writing a concession speech?
SAM: The wrath from high atop the thing.
TOBY: He upped and said we were gonna...
JOSH: No, you got to go outside, turn around three times and curse.
TOBY: Spit.
JOSH: Spit and curse.
TOBY: Do everything. Go!

C.J.: Listen, I know better then to stick my face in your personal life except, you know, for sport.
TOBY: What happened?
C.J.: Roll Call's got it from the Office of Congress's Attending Physician that Andy's pregnant.

SAM: What's there to know? You stand 100 yards away and say "Who'd you vote for?" You can't afford exit polls.
WILL: Yeah, I've got volunteers out there with clipboards.
SAM: And?
WILL: Something weird's going on.
SAM: What?
WILL: We're winning.
SAM: What do you mean?

REPORTER: Mr. President, polls show a dog fight here in New Hampshire. How would you feel if you won the election but lost your home state?
BARTLET: Better than if I won my home state but lost my home country. The only poll that matters closes in 17 hours.

DONNA: My ballot's invalid?
JOSH: This isn't a joke?
DONNA: It's invalid?
JOSH: You voted for Ritchie.
DONNA: Where?
JOSH: Here.
DONNA: Oh, my God.
JOSH: Yeah, your "picking the winner" streak is probably over.
DONNA: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's, it's an optical scan ballot. I drew a line through the Democratic ticket.
JOSH: Almost. That's almost what you did. What you did was draw a line through the Republican ticket. You didn't ticket split, you voted for every Republican in Wisconsin. I would check, you may have voted for McCarthy.

JOSH: That's a fair point and next time I'm going to remember the memo.
DEBBIE: I'm confident you will 'cause you're going to remember it this time, too.
JOSH: You want me to go back to my office and get it?
JOSH: Okay. All right. I'm going to humor the new girl.

CHARLIE: I'm not Officer Krupke. I have a job.
ANTHONY: Hey, could you try to think back to the days before you were Secretary of State or something? There are good guys and there are bad guys, and when good guys stop letting you play with them, the bad guys have a recruiting field day.
CHARLIE: When did you start talking like Mickey Spillane?
ANTHONY: I don't know. Who's Officer Cupcake?
CHARLIE: Okay, you're seeing a musical.

DONNA: I'm going to find a Ritchie supporter who'll vote for the President to offset my absentee ballot.
JOSH: Really?
DONNA: It's Election Day. There's nothing to do. I'm doing this.
JOSH: And you think it's going to take about 20 minutes?
DONNA: Yeah, I'll be right back.

ANDY: We're late for the first sonogram.
JOSH: Ooh, big needle. 18 inches. Right in the stomach, Toby. Don't look directly at it.
ANDY: Yeah, that's amniocentesis.
JOSH: Hurts like heartbreak.
ANDY: You've had that procedure?
JOSH: Not me personally. Toby, when you get there, it's a good idea to slip the nurse something. Tell her you're hoping for a smooth second trimester.
ANDY: You grease the nurse?

SAM: Yeah, but listen, Will, no kidding, drive times also when the plants get out and the real Orange County votes and that's when you turn into a pumpkin. I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up.

TOBY: What was it?
ANDY: It was...
TOBY: Did you hear that?
ANDY: Yeah, that was...
TOBY: Shh. Andy, you-you can see their... heads. My kids have heads.

DONNA: So, what's going on?
SAM: It's raining in Oregon.
DONNA: Yeah, yeah, Josh was talking about that before. Apparently all his other problems are solved.
SAM: If you guys are going to win big, you don't want it to rain. There's less motivation anyway 'cause of the blowout and... you have no idea how fast these things can become a race.
VENDOR: What do you need?
DONNA: A banana muffin, please.

DEBBIE: I'm going to place your outgoing calls.
BARTLET: You're going to place a lot of my outgoing calls...
DEBBIE: No, sir, I need to place them all.
BARTLET: I can make my own phone call. Don't be...
DEBBIE: Sir...
BARTLET: I can make my own phone calls.
DEBBIE: Yes, but soon you might not neccesarily remember that you did. When I place the call, there's a record and that's how you'll know and then you won't be worried about it.
BARTLET: That's good. That's a good idea.

JACK: No, no. It's an honor thing, right?

TOBY: I stare at this and I stare at this and I don't know which is the boy and which is the girl. I suppose that problem will take care of itself. You know, if you stare at them for awhile, well, it's pretty gross, but still...
JOSH: Okay, I'm concerned that you've turned completely into another person.
TOBY: Hey. I see one victory ballon before this thing is called and...!
TOBY: Yeah, you better run!
{Can I just say how upsetting it is that there are no caps of Ed running away with the balloons? I was so looking forward to that.}

CHARLIE: How long did you hang on to the goat?
ANTHONY: Three days.
CHARLIE: Three days?
CHARLIE: What did you feed him?
ANTHONY: Cheetos.

WILL: Come on.
ELSIE: Come inside and have something to eat with us. Will.
WILL: Now!
WILL: Jesus!
ELSIE: Wow! What else can you do?
WILL: I didn't know I could do that!

BARTLET: What are you doing?
C.J.: We've got some news.
BARTLET: What? What?
LEO: You're going to win New Hampshire.

BARTLET: Four years ago, we were joined by our highest ideals, by our best hopes, and tonight we're joined by the same commitment to open new doors of oppurtunity and justice. To ensure that the promise of the country is the birthright of all the people. We've achieved so much together always believing, always knowing that America could be made new again and so it was, and so it will be again. God bless you all. God bless the United States of America.

ABBEY: It's all right. There are going to be more days like this. It starts now. It's going to be harder this time.
BARTLET: Yeah, I know. We can still have tonight, though, right?
ABBEY: You got lots of nights. Smart people who love you are going to have your back.
BARTLET: All right.

Caps by ScreenMusings.net.
Kristin Chenoweth || Josh and Donna || The West Wing: What Might Have Been || Welcome To Wherever You Are

The challenge at picspammy this month is TV Season Premieres and Finales. Obviously there were a couple West Wing that I was planning to do anyway, like 20 Hours in America and Two Cathedrals, but if there are any others that you really want doing, then let me know and I'll probably be more than happy to put of uni work and do them :)

And finally:
*But vote Obama/Biden

{show} the west wing, {friends} christine, {friends} jill, {lj} picspam

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