Title: Folie à Deux
bluestocking79Rating: G as can be!
Warnings: None
Summary: Luna is inspired by the winter's first snow. Severus is inspired by Luna.
Notes: A pair of drabbles, originally written for
snape100, for the prompt "Weather." Also, the term “folie à deux” refers to “the madness of two,” or a delusion shared by two people.
Let it snow... )
Comments 18
Also: what a wonderful icon! They look so great together.
i think u wrote severus really well. i chucked after every sarky bit! my fav is this: "he smiled in sensible disapproval"
it might have been nice if you had dragged the last bit tho. i wld hv imagined tt even tho the insight hits him like a brick, it might take longer for him to acknowledge it... and maybe even then struggle to acknowledge his acknowlegement. haha! a few extra descriptive sentances could have set a beautiful pace.
anw, loved it, and thanks for sharing!
I actually agree that Severus would probably struggle with himself a bit longer before giving in, but I had to stick to the 100-word drabble format, so the struggle got abit condensed. ;-) I have some longer stories for the two of them in the works, though!
will be looking forward to reading ur stuff in the future! yay! (and drop me a nudge if i dont read when u post... it might hv been buried somewhere in the spam that makes up my f-list, lol!)
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