MOD POST: Snuna Rules!

Aug 11, 2008 17:50

The maintainer and mod of the snuna_exchange is iulia_linnea. The mod account for the community is snuna_xchng_mod. Please don't hesitate to direct any concerns or questions about the snuna_exchange to at gmail dot com.

Snuna Rules!
  1. Participation

    Participation in the snuna_exchange is open to anyone 18 or older and limited to 30 creators. The snuna_exchange runs on Eastern Time.

  2. Sign-Ups

    The sign-up period runs from 1-7 February 2012; participation is limited to 30 creators. Anyone who signs up after the 30-creator limit has been reached will be, in order of valid sign-up submission, first in line to pinch-hit.

    The mod reserves the right to reject would-be participants should their sign-ups fail to illustrate a sound grasp of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, or the community's rules.

    When signing up, please cut and paste the following template into your comment (sign-ups should fit into one comment):

    User Name:


    I'm prepared to produce a giftfic, a giftpic, or either:

    I'd prefer to receive a giftfic, a giftpic, or either:

    Below, please specify if you're requesting a fic or a pic for each brief gift prompt.

    Brief Gift Prompt One:

    Brief Gift Prompt Two:

    Brief Gift Prompt Three:

    Brief Gift Prompt Four:

    What would you like to see in your gift?

    What wouldn't you like to see in your gift?

    What genres and kinks are you prepared to produce?

    What genres and kinks aren't you prepared to produce?

    Would you be interested in pinch-hitting?
  3. Prompt Assignment and Acceptance

    Prompts will be assigned via the mod account by 8 February 2012 and will be based on participants' brief prompts and preferences. Please be specific when describing what genres and kinks you are and are not prepared to produce, as prompts will not be reassigned. It may not be possible to assign an artist to everyone who prefers to receive a giftpic, or a writer to everyone who prefers to receive a giftfic.

    In order to verify your email address and indicate your intention to participate in the snuna_exchange, please reply to your assignment email no later than 15 February 2012. Would-be participants who do not acknowledge receipt of their assignments will be dropped.

  4. Giftpics

    Your giftpic should be an original work, no larger than 800 by 600 pixels, that addresses your giftee's prompt and focuses on a romantic relationship between Snape and Luna. A romantic pic need not necessarily carry a high rating, but the Snuna relationship in your giftpic should not be a platonic one.

    Photo manipulations are not permitted in the snuna_exchange.

    Please have your giftpic beta-viewed before submitting it, and also include the name(s) of your beta-viewer(s) in your header. This information, your name, and any artist's notes that you include in your header will be removed from it until the reveal.

    Please use the following template when formatting your header:

    Beta Viewer(s):
    (Highlight to View) Warning(s): WARNING(S).
    Recipient's Prompt:

    [Your giftpic goes here.]

    Your entry should be formatted in HTML without paragraph tags and emailed, with your attached (GIF, JPEG, or PNG) giftpic file, as an attached TXT (or plain text) document to at gmail dot com by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on 4 April 2012. Your giftpic should be rated G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17. Commonly used HTML may be found here. Thumbnail previews and banners will not be accepted with giftpic submissions.

  5. Giftfics

    Your giftfic must be an original one-shot, no fewer than 1000 words and short enough to fit into one journal entry, that addresses your giftee's prompt and focuses on a romantic relationship between Snape and Luna. A romantic fic need not necessarily carry a high rating, but the Snuna relationship in your giftfic should not be a platonic one.

    Please have your giftfic spell-checked and beta-read before submitting it, and also include the name(s) of your beta reader(s) in your header. This information, your name, and any author's notes that you include in your header will be removed from it until the reveal.

    Please use the following template when formatting your header:

    Beta Reader(s):
    (Highlight to View) Warning(s): WARNING(S).
    Recipient's Prompt:

    [Your giftfic goes here.]

    Your entry should be formatted in HTML without paragraph tags and emailed as an attached TXT (or plain text) document to at gmail dot com by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on 4 April 2012. Your giftfic should be rated G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17. Commonly used HTML may be found here. Banners will not be accepted with giftfic submissions.

  6. Posting Period

    The posting period for the snuna_exchange is 1-30 May 2012. Please do not post your gift anywhere online or discuss it with anyone other than your betae until after the reveal on 31 May 2012.

  7. Drop Outs

    If you need to drop out, please contact the mod so that arrangements can be made to find a pinch-hitter for you. Participants who accept their assignments and then drop out without contacting the mod will not receive gifts, nor will they be eligible to participate in future runs of the snuna_exchange. Works produced for participants who have dropped out will be given as gifts to the community.

snuna_exchange Schedule
The Snuna Exchange runs on Eastern Time.
 Sign-Up Period 1-7 February 2012 
 Assignments Sent 8 February 2012
 Assignment Acceptance  15 February 2012
 Fan Works Due 4 April 2012
 Posting Period 1-30 May 2012
 The Reveal 31 May 2012

Any concerns or questions about the snuna_exchange may be directed to at gmail dot com.

The Snuna Rules! post was last edited on 15 November 2010.

*snuna rules!, *mod post

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