It's good to hear you are doing so well. I've never heard anything bad about hip replacements. I'll keep wishing you the best of luck in your recovery.
So pleased to hear that you are doing so well since your hip op!! It's amazing surgery, I still can't believe the difference it made to my Dad's life! I hope you continue to recover well!
Definitely treat yourself to a new car! I'm no car expert (I don't drive myself as I am Epileptic) but do rate cars that are higher up. When the boys were babies/toddlers we had a Renault Scenic which had the higher roof on it. I adored that car as it was so much easier to get in and out of and the seats far better for your posture! (I miss that car!)
The flooding has been awful -once again. The government really do need to invest in flood defences. We aren't affected here and I'm relieved to hear you haven't been either but the impact on families/businesses who are affected is awful.
That snow scene you have woken up to is beautiful! We haven't had snow like that here in Bristol for 3 years! Today is bleak and frozen, but no snow! I would definitely choose to stay indoors with a hot cup of tea and a good book if it were like that out though! ;-)
Thanks for your kind words. I have every intention of getting my car just want to wait until the weather improves and I am a few more weeks into recovery and driving again. The snow was lovely but I didn't venture out in it just viewed from the window.
Thanks for the good wishes. Yes the weather has been really unpredictable. People have had some financial help (not enough), I think it's more an emotional reaction, people losing things that can't be replaced, but, on the upside there have been great stories of kindness and community spirit. I won't get into politics here but I could really have a good rant about things but I will refrain from doing so.
Comments 6
It's good to hear you are doing so well. I've never heard anything bad about hip replacements. I'll keep wishing you the best of luck in your recovery.
Definitely treat yourself to a new car! I'm no car expert (I don't drive myself as I am Epileptic) but do rate cars that are higher up. When the boys were babies/toddlers we had a Renault Scenic which had the higher roof on it. I adored that car as it was so much easier to get in and out of and the seats far better for your posture! (I miss that car!)
The flooding has been awful -once again. The government really do need to invest in flood defences. We aren't affected here and I'm relieved to hear you haven't been either but the impact on families/businesses who are affected is awful.
That snow scene you have woken up to is beautiful! We haven't had snow like that here in Bristol for 3 years! Today is bleak and frozen, but no snow! I would definitely choose to stay indoors with a hot cup of tea and a good book if it were like that out though! ;-)
Good to hear your hip replacement went well. Medicine has made wonderful strides in that field.
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