Story Or Series Title:
ArgentAmeth (No, I'm NOT sure if it's supposed to be two words.)
Fandom: The Boy Who Shagged A Rockstar
Culprit Author's Name:
Meyshi, a repeat offender and royal pain in the arse
Full Name (plus titles if any): They're ALL horrifying, but the primary offender is "Teegan Khamaar Gylden" -- I SHIT YOU NOT.
Full Species(es): "
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Comments 33
Oh, I'm doing another of her 'stories' - can you educate me on how to link it to my journal please?
Now, if you do see the read comments link, click it and copy the url. Then make a post in the comm. with the details of the spork, and insert the url. If you wanna do these the easy way enable richtext and just type what you want the link to read as, then select it and presee the insert url button. Paste the url from your other entry in and presto you've got yourself an entry that links to the sporking in your journal.
Basically if you've ever inserted a url in an entry before, it's the same idea. You just need to make the entry first and get a url that will direct to it. Even if it is the direct post a comment url.
Fantastic spork!
Oh the pain!!
Kill it dead, kill it DEAD!!
Please do more, if you can. It was great-honest!
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