Beibh, elu g lupa kan waktu elu ultah, elu juga nangis di depan temen2 sejurusan lu (itu loh, yang dapet kejutan dari qta n berakhir dengan elu mendapatkan laki heuheu...)
It's not that hard to cry in front of someone who's important 4 u... So...when u need a shoulder to cry on.... We'll be there for you... Like the crying sesion waktu qta bli clemmons heuheu...
yah...seems i'm being more 'human' now.. (buset dah... sindrom baca monster >.<) yg waktu ultah... nangis krn lega yg waktu di clemmons: yah... kalian banyak masalah gw jga bmasalah... susah bet dah curhat kudu nangis dulu... =p
Comments 3
It's not that hard to cry in front of someone who's important 4 u...
So...when u need a shoulder to cry on....
We'll be there for you...
Like the crying sesion waktu qta bli clemmons heuheu...
yg waktu ultah... nangis krn lega
yg waktu di clemmons: yah... kalian banyak masalah gw jga bmasalah... susah bet dah curhat kudu nangis dulu... =p
u're a HUMAN actually... wkwkwkwk...
(pit, gak penting banget seeh lo!)
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