Title: Angel of Death
Pairing: Kyuhyun, OC
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Comedy
Summary: Cho Kyuhyun has been sent back to the living world for a span of one year to carry out his mission to bring his target to her death. But what happens when the angel of death sent to take a person's life ends up falling for the victim instead?
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Chapter 21
Hyeonmin groaned and turned over to the other side when the sunlight crept through the drawn curtains and irritated her eyes. Now that she wasn't facing the direction of the window any longer, she snuggled deeper into the comfortable sheets, relishing the warm rays of the sun that were caressing her skin. Nonetheless, the enjoyable feeling did not last long, because soon enough, she could feel her brain pounding painfully against the constraints of her skull. It didn't take her long to realize that she was having a massive hangover, earning yet another pained groaned from her.
To make things worse, her memory also decided to take a jog backwards to the incidents which happened on the previous night. All she could remember was that she went to the bar with her colleagues - sans Sikyu - to celebrate her 25th birthday. Hyeonmin also recalled that she was downing alcohol as if it was water even though Karen was protesting and trying hard to stop her from ordering anymore, because she was oddly upset that a certain idiot had the nerve to decline her offer to come with them.
The best part of it all was that Hyeonmin had even forgotten about the fact that she wasn't a good drinker to begin with, and soon enough, she was already stoned from the alcohol intoxication. The sequence of events that occurred after she was drunk became rather hazy, but she tried to remember what had occurred anyway - only to vaguely recall that she stumbled out of the bar onto the streets while her other colleagues were still busy enjoying themselves. She also walked for quite a distance without a proper sense of direction… and then her memory was completely wiped out from that point onwards.
Pathetic. You don't even know how you got home, a voice in the subconscious part of her mind chastised her, but she somehow decided to wave her hand in the air and asked the voice to go away, not really realizing that there was no one else in the room.
By this time, Hyeonmin's headache was so bad to the point that she couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to grudgingly drag herself out of bed to get an aspirin from the kitchen. However, the moment she sat up on the bed, she could feel that something was out of place. Her line of vision slowly lowered to her upper body, and realized that she was currently partially naked. Her hands flew defensively to cover her exposed chest, and Hyeonmin looked around frantically for her blouse, only to find it sitting nicely at the end of the bed.
"Since when did I take it off?" She wondered, getting more confused by the second.
And then another realization hit her. As if trying to confirm her suspicion, she glanced around the room and tried her best to process what she was seeing, only to find herself in an unfamiliar room. Hyeonmin paled when she was finally aware that she wasn't in her own house, but couldn't pinpoint the owner of this place either.
Now she was utterly confused about last night's incidents, as plenty of questions kept running through her already messed-up mind, mostly pertaining to one subject: Did I actually sleep with someone? Nonetheless, she was highly skeptical about it, mainly because she wasn't aching all over - not that she has experienced it before; she just has some friends who couldn't keep their private lives in the bedroom to themselves.
After wrapping the comforter securely around herself, Hyeonmin quietly crept towards the door of the bedroom, and opened it cautiously, peeking out of the small gap beforehand to determine whether anyone - whoever it was who kidnapped her here - was outside. She learned that it was really hard to focus when the blood was rushing to her head, but eventually the sound of soft breathing registered in her senses, signifying that whoever else was in the house was currently still sound asleep. The knowledge made Hyeonmin decide to assault the probable-rapist while he was still sound asleep, so she grabbed an umbrella that was left standing next to a chest of drawers before inching towards the person on the couch.
She was completely poised to hit the living daylights of the sleeping person, but froze mid-action when she realized who it was on the sofa - Sung Sikyu. Her mind temporarily went blank while her eyes grew to the size of small plates at the sight. The shock caused her to lose her grip on the weapon she was holding, which fell to the ground with a resounding thud. Hyeonmin gasped and stumbled backwards when her neighbor stirred on the sofa and slowly blinked the sleepiness away, though his eyes flew wide-open the moment he saw her standing in the living room with an equally horrified expression. But when the last of the grogginess left him, his expression softened a little, since he suddenly remembered that he was the one who brought her home the previous night in her extremely drunken state.
"Good morning, Hyeonmin," Kyuhyun yawned and stretched. She gulped when his shirt rode up a little too high for (her) comfort, which allowed her a quick view of his well-defined abdominal muscles. Kyuhyun followed her line of vision, and smirked when he became aware of what she was actually ogling at. "You can stop staring now," he said, lowering his arms once again.
She blushed a bright shade of red when she realized that he had caught her staring at him. Again. But she wasn't about to let his snide remarks get to her this easily. "Good morning my ass, you bloody pervert!" Hyeonmin spat at him, and quickly grabbed the umbrella that lay forgotten on the floor moments ago, raising it defensively in front of her with one hand while the other grabbed on tightly to the comforter as if her life depended on it.
"Wha- what the hell are you talking about?" he blurted out, a little confused at her sudden outburst.
"Don't act all innocent, Sung Sikyu! You undressed me yesterday night, didn't you?" she yelled again, jabbing the umbrella menacingly at the man that remained seated in the sofa, who was now massaging the back of his neck. Something else registered in Hyeonmin's vision, and a smirk formed on her face. "And oh, serves you right. I bet that I somehow landed a punch on your sorry face while you were trying to kiss me yesterday night," she said, evidently referring to the obvious bruise on his face.
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and scoffed disbelievingly at the paranoid female figure in his apartment. "Oh please, do you seriously think so lowly of me? And really, please get your facts right before you try to accuse someone else of something that they didn't do."
"What do you mean?" she narrowed her eyes at him.
"First of all - I found you in a dark alley, almost getting your drunken ass raped by a group of thugs. I saved you from them, but earned this… " he commented darkly while pointing at the spot where her fist connected with last night. "… lousy bruise because you decided to punch me while being partially conscious."
"Are you really that capable of defeating a group of men all by yourself?"
"Geez, reality check, Hyeonmin - I've learned martial arts before," he countered indignantly, evidently not being too happy that his abilities are being looked down at. However, Kyuhyun wasn't being entirely truthful about the methods that he employed to beat the group of men into pulp; he couldn't really bring himself to tell her that he had controlled their minds temporarily and made them turn on each other instead of having him dirty his hands to teach them a lesson.
Hyeonmin's defensive stance eased a little when she heard what he had to say, but remained skeptical about his words anyway. "Then how do you explain the fact that I was partially naked in your bed?"
"Don't even get me started on that. Do you have any idea how stoned you were yesterday? Seriously, how much did you drink at the bar?"
"Don't avoid the question, Sung Sikyu," Hyeonmin hissed, apparently not having much patience when her head was still pounding like hell.
"Okay, fine. I'll tell you if you want to know. I got a towel for you and wanted to wipe your face yesterday night, when you just shot up, hugged me, and kissed me; I couldn't even pry you off because you have such a death grip. Then you suddenly broke away from me and stripped the top off of you. You're lucky that I'm not someone who would take advantage of others while they're not fully conscious of what they're doing," Kyuhyun explained everything in one shot.
By this time, Hyeonmin's face was beet red once again when she found out what on earth she had done. "Oh dear lord, this is embarrassing…" her voice trailed off, and she shifted uncomfortably in her position.
"Tell me about-" Kyuhyun tried to rub it in a little more for the heck of it, but before he could finish his sentence, the doorbell rang. He ambled towards the door and unlocked it, only to slam it shut a split second later, eyes widened in horror.
"Oh shit" was the only thing he managed to get off his tongue.