[SJFF] Real Face - Chapter 3

Apr 29, 2011 16:20

Title: Real Face
Characters: Donghae, Heechul, OC
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst
Type: Novel
Summary: She finally managed to escape from the one place that she hates the most in order to begin a new life in Seoul, but is still unable to get over the hatred for the male species. Would her heart be softened eventually?

~ * ~


Sanghee was sitting at her usual spot on the rooftop during the lunch break, enjoying the cooling breeze caressing her exposed skin as she scanned through the lines of the novel in her hand. The place had quickly become her favourite spot to be at, because hardly anyone lurks around the area, considering the fact that the students in her school preferred to hang out on the soccer field or the basketball courts during lunch. She was thus able to read in peace without anyone disturbing her at all.

"Hey, I finally found you!" a familiar voice came from beside her, as the person dropped a bag pack on the floor and slid down on the ground next to Sanghee. She didn't even bother looking up nor greet the intruder, merely continuing with her novel as if no one was there. However, her attention was successfully shifted from her book when the person next to her stuffed a lunch box under her nose.

Sighing, Sanghee looked at the girl sitting next to her, who was currently flashing two rows of pearly white teeth at her direction. "Hyesu-sshi, what are you doing here?" she asked monotonously, as if she had just noticed the other's presence for the first time in five minutes.

"Um, lunch? I've noticed that you hardly ever step into the cafeteria at all during the break… and I thought that you might not like the food there," Hyesu explained, as she fumbled around with the cover of the lunchbox in her hand. "So I was wondering whether these would suit your taste more," she beamed, presenting the wide array of foodstuff packed into the container.

"No thank you, I'm not hungry. Besides, I don't like being in crowded places," Sanghee responded coldly, and her eyes scanned through the lines of the novel once again, much to Hyesu's dismay. The former was trying her best not to let her temper flare, but Hyesu was definitely pushing her to the limits. The other girl had been coming over to disturb Sanghee's peace ever since the day she found out where Sanghee hides herself. She really had no idea why Hyesu was so adamant of keeping her company, even though she had nicely asked to be left alone.

Hyesu pouted in disappointment at Sanghee's refusal, and moved to cover the box once again, only to stare wide-eyed at the latter when she sighed and picked a piece of Tteokbokki out of it with her chopsticks. Apparently, Sanghee noticed the change in Hyesu's expression from the corner of her eye, and she felt bad for the girl, since she had probably put in quite a lot of effort in preparing the food.

"How's the taste?" Hyesu asked eagerly the moment Sanghee swallowed it. The latter took a short moment to collect her thoughts, looking into the distance so that she could try and recall the taste in her mouth.

"It's okay, I guess. But I think that you were a little too reserved with the chilli paste," Sanghee commented, and her classmate nodded eagerly at her words.

"Wow, you seem to be well-versed in cooking, Sanghee-sshi. This was actually the first time I've tried my hand at cooking," she admitted sheepishly, as she fiddled with the hem of her blouse, a rosy tint on her cheeks. Sanghee noticed that it was a habit of Hyesu's whenever she gets nervous, because she had caught the girl doing the action many times now, especially around her.

"It's nothing. I live alone, so I have to be good in the kitchen to sustain my life," Sanghee replied offhandedly, continuing with the novel in her hand after just one slice of Tteokbokki. Hyesu didn't seem to mind, now that she was subconsciously packing up the container once again, seemingly trying to digest what Sanghee had just told her.

"You… live alone? What about your parents?" Hyesu found herself asking when she finally sorted out the information. Sanghee flinched at the question hurled at her, mentally cursing herself for blurting out something that she didn't want the others to know. Nonetheless, she decided to keep quiet and pretended that she didn't catch the question, hoping that Hyesu would take the hint and stop poking her nose into someone else's business.

However, her hopes were dashed, because after a short moment of silence, Hyesu reiterated her question once again. Sanghee felt incredibly annoyed at how she wouldn't let the matter rest, and she unknowingly shot a glare at the other girl's direction. "Look, it doesn't concern you. I would appreciate it if you would just leave me alone and join those friends of yours," she sneered as she shoved the book into her bag and hauled it over her shoulder. Sanghee couldn't really be bothered about the girl's response towards her statement, and stomped off in the direction of the staircase, hoping that the latter wouldn't follow her around anymore after this. She really didn't want anyone to look into the past that she was trying hard to forget.

* * * * *

Throughout the entire History period, Sanghee found her mind wandering off to the blue skies outside the window. No matter how much she wants to concentrate on the class, she couldn't; not when various thoughts cluttered her mind. In addition, the tight lid that she had tried to keep on top of the box that held all her painful memories was threatening to burst open, and she was having a hard time trying to shove everything back in.

Nonetheless, she was quite grateful at the fact that her History teacher wasn't like that Calculus teacher of hers. The latter would always keep tabs on every single student in the class, and if anyone lost focus just for a short moment, a chalk would be hurled at his or her direction. Now, her current teacher wasn't quite bothered if the students didn't pay attention during his class; he had a weird motto to teach only those who were interested in listening, and the rest could do whatever they liked. That pretty much explains why half the class had their heads firmly plastered on the table top, snoozing away.

Sanghee shot a quick look at her seat mate, rolling her eyes when she found him sleeping away - not that he doesn't do it in the other classes either. Somehow, she wondered why on earth he bothered coming to school when all he would do was convert his books into a pillow and drool all over it. It doesn't really help that she had a negative view of him, considering the fact that she now knew that he was in a gang with that other boy - Youngwoon, who had tripped her intentionally on her first day in Neulparan. She didn't like the boy, and even though she hadn't talked to the other two who were with him and her seat mate, she automatically concluded that they would have the exact same annoying attitude.

A large wave of collective sighs of relief swept around the classroom when the final bell rang, and everyone scurried out of the classroom without further ado, having packed their bags even before the History teacher entered the classroom. Just as Sanghee was about to follow the sea of people out of the door, the sound of someone calling her full name successfully pulled her attention towards the owner of the voice. She turned around and noticed no one else but her seat mate yawning and stretching.

"You called?" she snapped, crossing her arms in front of her chest and narrowed her eyes at the boy.

"You should really reconsider about the proper way you should be treating girls, or other people in general," he slurred lazily. The sleep evidently hadn't completely left him yet.

"What's it to you?" she said again, eyes following his every movement as he slung his bag over his shoulder. He ambled in her direction, and stopped momentarily by her side, causing her to glare sideways at him.

"Just saying," he stated briefly, and walked off without throwing her another glance. Sanghee could only stare incredulously at his retreating back, as she wondered what on earth was wrong with him. On her walk home, Sanghee's mind kept replaying his words in her head, much to her annoyance. She was rather baffled at how he would always pass random comments at her, even though they technically weren't quite acquainted yet. In the end, she arrived at one satisfactory conclusion - the guy is officially weird.

~fanfiction, *super junior, series: real face, genre: romance, genre: drama, member: donghae, genre: angst, type: novel, member: heechul

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