1) The weekend was very nice. Hanging out was done with cool people. I played a drum that was ON FIRE. On top of a chimney log. That was sweet
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As of yesterday, Jess and I were selected as one of the five families to compete in the Wright Patt Savings Race. WOOOOT! This should be interesting. I have a bit of trepidation about what kind of goals they'll set for us, but it's definitely a great step to take. Wish us luck!!!
This has been a blast, so far. It's also been challenging. Fitting into a cast and taking a role someone else had. Learning at an accelerated rate. Lots of choreagraphy. 1 or 2 curveballs. Yeesh! But it's been fun, to be certain. Just two more rehearsals, and then three shows! Eek! ;)
After much delay, I finally went through and prepped teh jernal to reciprocate some of the friendings I'd received. So, way too late, I have added some folk. Sorry it took so long.
So, the VI walks in, just about a minute ago. VI: "Chic-fil-A is officially too crowded. So I just went to Red Lobster instead." Me: Looks at Long John Silver's Bag in her hand. "really? Red Lobster for lunch?" VI: "Oh, not Red Lobster...Long John Silver's...I meant Long John Silver's."
Just another moment in the office, brought to you by me
Played a different game of Dark Heresy. This was a "cleanse and purge" mission brought about by the actions of our normal characters. For this one, though, we got to be Space Marines. ( Read more... )