So my sister, Val, has been living at home with us for about a week and a half and so far it hasn't been as stressful as I expected. The last time all us siblings were living under one roof, all I can remember was it being all crowded and noisy and messy. This time around, however, Val's barely around. When she's not at work, she's in her room with the door closed talking to her online friends until 2 AM. She practically only comes out to eat dinner and use the bathroom. We'd barely know she's here, and there has been at least one occasion where we could have sworn she was in there but when we finally open the door, she's
MIA. Ryan has more or less kept to himself as well--He's taken over the theater room--but at least he's around to hang out with the parents here and there. It's good having someone else here to keep my mother company.
But, wouldn't you know it, just as we're all getting used to sharing bathroom space, it appears things are changing once again. Val has been dating and it looks like she's found a guy she likes enough to see more than once a week. She's also been offered a permanent place to stay with her friends Nick and Patches. Ironically enough, this is the same Nick and Patches that Franko stayed with for two months after his breakup with Val. Yay for mutual friends! So it looks like Val might be moving out already and into a spare room with her friends. With Ryan returning to Fargo at the end of July for one final term at college before he graduates in December, it'll be a fairly quiet August around here as things return to normal for the first time since April.
In lighter news, having Ryan around has afforded me opportunities to kick back and enjoy some of the things we used to do for entertainment when we were younger and living in the same place. Namely, video and computer games. Our latest addiction?
Starcraft. It's a multiplayer computer strategy game from 1998 that my buddies and I played a lot in college (Our lady friends loved to dismiss our gaming as geeky boyishness, continually belittling the game by referring to it as "Starblam") and now we're getting back into it. It's a simple, quick game, and I think that's the draw. I bet anyone reading this who knows what the game is, is probably thinking, "Hmm... I could go for some Starcraft right now myself!" Yea, don't deny your inner goofy gamer. You know who you are.