Jan 03, 2005 13:39
It's a beautiful day. Yea, it's cold, but it's bright with blue skies. Days like this remind me of summer and that makes me energized. I feel like conquering the world this year.
I spent the New Year's weekend with my siblings house sitting far from civilization. A coworker of my sister's went on a month-long vacation to Africa and needed people to house-sit. My sister volunteered and was able to allow my brother and I to have permission to come out as well and keep her company. So, Friday night after my brother's last day at work before he goes back to college in Minnesota this Thursday, we hopped on over there to a town called Redding about 10 miles east of Oregon City off I-205. The place was on the side of a hill with his incredible view of Mount Hood, it was like we could touch it. Our cell phones didn't work out there so when we finally got home yesterday, a couple people were real worried that they hadn't heard from us all weekend. But it was fun, we played video games and watched TV, pigged out on junk food and danced to my sister's new Dance Dance Revolution game. Man, that game is a workout and a half. And the music is great!
Resolution time. I figure this year, there are a few things that I'd like to keep in mind as the months go by. A few little, attainable things that aren't too drastic. So here are my 2005 resolutions.
1) I resolve to use better grammar and punctuation in all my communications, including Email and Live Journal entries. I've become too complacent with just writing things out without properly communicating what I'm feeling. While that may be a good way for some people to journal, it reflects negatively on me and could give false impressions about my professionalism... Or lack thereof.
2) I resolve to work even harder to get a full time job within my degree field. One of my best college friends, the other Adam, wrote me over the weekend and told me he secured a real permanent job after 6 months of looking. I'm very happy and relieved because if he can do it, so can the rest of us. He's even got an apartment now. We're all growing up so fast!
3) I resolve to take better care of myself. I should be exercising, I should be eating more salads and drinking less soda. I should get in to see more doctors and get my teeth fixed. Maybe this is more of a goal for all of 2005 rather than a lifestyle change for the immediate new year. But I have a list of goals as well:
1) My first goal of 2005 is to get a job. Duh.
2) My second goal of 2005 is to get an apartment. Job first though.
3) My third goal of 2005 is to be happy, The key to my happiness is being secure with my surroundings and knowing there's always someone I can fall back on.
So here's to 2005, may it not suck.
new years