
Oct 13, 2008 16:55

Apparently the maternal is hooked on The Persuaders! now that it's being repeated on Finnish telly. She even made me look for an mp3 of the theme to use as a ringtone. She's always been swooning over Roger Moore, though, so it's not that surprising ( Read more... )

sja, dreams, telly

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Comments 19

lonemagpie October 13 2008, 16:02:02 UTC
The Persuaders is brilliant, and yes, you'll definitely see it as slashy!


snowgrouse October 13 2008, 16:03:36 UTC
The description alone made my slashdar ping hard. Mmm, love-hate relationships...


therru October 13 2008, 16:57:35 UTC
I used to love the Persuaders when I was a kid. And the theme music is ten levels of awesome. I haven't watched it since, and slashiness wasn't really on my mind at the time, but now that you mention it, it ought to be pretty damn high!


snowgrouse October 13 2008, 17:00:09 UTC
I should watch it, yes. Once I've managed to get through all these random eps of old British spy shows with The War Chief evil Timeys in.


gordon_r_d October 13 2008, 17:03:17 UTC
Yes, The Persuaders is brilliant, go for it.

Glad you're enjoying SJA, I remember you having issues with the pilot ep and couldn't remember if you'd watched any of the series.


snowgrouse October 13 2008, 17:06:42 UTC
I've heard it has plenty of adventure and lols. Which is what I love about a lot of old series anyway, so that should be good.

I only recently caught up with SJA, 'cos the pilot put me off (mainly because of that "OMG, I never had a man because the Doctor is the only one for me and I'm a sad cat lady who needs children to activate her" thing). But it's definitely improved since--it's making me laugh, and that's good. And the oldskool references are making me flail with happy rather than with "oh god, they're raping the corpse of OldWho with a rusty fork again". Which is unexpected win.


rob_t_firefly October 13 2008, 18:38:24 UTC
Clyde is win and I love him hard (thank fuck, 'cos I couldn't stand that noisy annoying chick he replaced). SJA is good.

YES and YES and YES.


snowgrouse October 13 2008, 19:22:30 UTC

Also, your icon reminds me: self and Gene spent the better part of last night shipping David Tennant and shrimp. ONLY SHRIMPSES CAN WIPE HIS TEARS OF PAIN AWAY:

... )


rob_t_firefly October 13 2008, 19:25:10 UTC
Just when I think I couldn't possibly <3 you ladies any harder..


snowgrouse October 13 2008, 19:28:31 UTC
It was all v. touching. He took a shrimp home with him and wept. And made it a little hat out of an olive. I think this all started because he missed Simm's tiny beady shrimp eyes.

He loved that shrimp so much. And then one of Barrowmang's dogs ettede it.


annabeliss October 15 2008, 15:14:31 UTC
hiya, mullois myydä vähän käytetty, uudehko ja toimiva ulkoinen kovalevy. jos kiinnostaa, tarkistan minkä kokoinen. se maksoi noin 80-100 euroa, voisin myydä about puoleen hintaan sulle <3


snowgrouse October 15 2008, 15:21:56 UTC
Mutku ne hajoaa aina, olen tosi epailevainen niitten suhteen kun kaikki vaan kertoo tarinoita siita miten ne aina leviaa ja gah:S... tarvin kuitenkin kokonaisen uuden koneen eniveis, taa on ihan paskana ja tilttaa vaikka katsoisin vain 15 minuutin videopatkia:(.


annabeliss October 15 2008, 15:34:21 UTC
no voi kusi, tekeekö ne sitä?! mulla ei ole koskaan levinnyt, mutta eipä oo paljoo tullut käytettyäkään. meillä on nyt kolme. kaitpa sillä ylimääräsellä voi sitten pitää vaikka leffoja ja varmuuskopioita.
mun kone on kans ihan leviimässä :/ oon kuulemma pitäny huonosti, täynnä kissankarvaa jne. kesällä kaatuili paljon. enää ei oo muuten kaatunut, kun imuroin tätä ja siirsin suurimman osan tiedostoista ulkoiselle kovalevylle, ja eheytin, enää ei oo kaatunut! kauan sulla on ollu sun läppäri? kauan näitten pitäs kestää..? mul on kait 2,5v.


snowgrouse October 15 2008, 16:03:47 UTC
Ma en mitaan varmuuskopioisi ulkoiselle kovarille, yleensa olen niita kayttanyt vain valiaikaiseen tiedostonsiirtoon etta saan kamaa poltettua pois DVDeille. Ma en uskaltais mitaan pitaa ulkoisella kovarilla, on pari kertaa tullut menetettya niin vitusti kamaa ettei ole tottakaan ( ... )


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