Mini-theme: Identities Unknown (part 1)

Feb 21, 2015 00:38

The "fall in love while in disguise" trope is a bit more common than the last two mini-themes I did but then, unlike tie-switching or removing Draco's Dark Mark, it's a trope that's not necessarily unique to the Harry/Draco pairing. Indeed it is common across many fandoms and ships (fanlore calls it 'Identity Porn' while tvtropes calls it 'Loves My Alter Ego').

In the case of Harry and Draco, this often involves one or both of them using polyjuice potion or a 'glamour' to make themselves unrecognizable, although it can also be done by having one or both of them receiving anonymous letters from the other.

I'm going to split my list of favorite Drarry fanfics which use this trope into two posts. In this one I'm just going to focus on those fics where both Harry and Draco are hiding their identity. (Next time I'll discuss fics where only one of them is in disguise).

Fics where both Harry and Draco are hiding their identities:

Pub Date

The Boy Who Only Lived Twice

Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks.
Best of 2011

The Critiquer

When Harry submits his cock photo to a renowned Cock Critiquer and gets a terrible review, he decides to take a photography class to hopefully improve his skills.
Best of 2014

Desperately Seeking Someone

A personal ad brings out the best in our Harry.
Best of 2008



What happens when Draco and Harry each find the opposite end of a hole in the locker room wall? Oh, stop it with your dirty minds. Oh wait. That's exactly what happens.
Best of 2012

I think every Drarry fan must already be familiar with lettered's The Boy Who Only Lived Twice, which is maybe the best hidden identity fic I've ever read. But if you somehow have yet to come across it, run, don't walk, and read this fic! While Harry and Draco both start out in disguise (they're polyjuiced unspeakables who work together but don't know it) Draco figures out what's going on way before Harry does. Since he isn't allowed to divulge the truth, he attempts to start a relationship with Harry outside of work instead. Unfortunately, Harry still doesn't trust Malfoy, and keeps rebuffing him. The way Harry treats each version of Draco so differently is heartbreaking, as Harry just can't seem to get past Draco's real life identity even as he's falling in love with his polyjuiced alter ego.

dysonrules's The Critiquer is a much more lighthearted take on this trope. Here the hidden identities come from the fact that Harry is sending his anonymous dick pics to Draco for critique, and Draco is of course using a nom de plume. The premise sounds crack-y but it's actually tons of fun and since the descriptions of the photography lessons and advice all sound quite authentic it feels about as realistic as this sort of story ever could. As with the previous fic, Harry and Draco are interacting in the 'real world' as well, and growing to like each other quite a bit. Getting to see the differences between how they interact when anonymous and how they interact in person seems to be a common plot point with this trope, and I always enjoy it.

Desperately Seeking Someone by alaana_fair also uses the 'anonymous through correspondence' variation of this trope, and again does so with a great deal of cheeky humor. I really liked her depiction of both of their characters, especially through the notes Draco wrote. It may have been a great big ball of fluff, but it was a fun ball of fluff. This fic has several sequels, though I felt that they didn't add that much to the original, which is great on its own.

Finally we have Glory by Digitallace. I have to say that I don't think I would have read this fic if it hadn't been for capitu's rec but I'm really glad I did. The idea that Draco and Harry would make use of a 'glory hole' in the quidditch showers--not knowing who was on the other side of that hole--seems on the surface way too far-fetched. But somehow, surprisingly, the author makes it work, and keeps them believably in character. The only thing I wanted was for this to go on a little longer :)

More in this series:
Identity Unknown Part 2: Draco is in disguise and Harry is clueless

theme:identity unknown, author:alaana_fair, drarry, author:digitallace, fandom: harry potter, 2008 fics, rec list, 2012 fics, 2014 fics, mini-theme, author:dysonrules, pairing: draco/harry, 2011 fics, author:lettered

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