Mini-theme: Animal Transformations (aka Identity Unknown, part 3)

Oct 28, 2015 08:00

Animal transformation fics are different from traditional "creature" fics (such as veelas, vampires, and werewolves) as in the latter cases the character is usually considered not-quite-human. And even in their 'human' form they will have heightened senses or additional powers and such. No, here they are just temporarily transformed into an unremarkable animal, whether by choice or by curse.

As I was putting this list together I realized that this trope is most often used as part of an " Identity Unknown" type plot. In the fics recced below, it turns out it's always Harry who transforms into some sort of animal, and Draco who is temporarily clueless as to his true identity.

Now that I think about it, this is the opposite direction of deception as in my previous sets of Identity Unknown recs, where Harry is more often the clueless one. This may or may not be significant. Hmmm....

While the transformation is most often due to Harry's being an Animagus, sometimes it's caused by a curse instead. Either way, Draco isn't able to figure it out right away, which is part of the fun :)

He Was He and I Was Bunny by bryoneybrynn ( NC-17 | 37,600 ) 3-May-2008
Summary: The war is over and “eighth year” is about to begin at Hogwarts. But for Harry and Draco, nothing is quite the same. Harry’s looking for an escape, Draco’s looking for a friend. Does a little black bunny hold the answers for both of our boys?
This was terrific. Just beautifully written, telling a great story perfectly. And hot and sweet and everything. I loved how in-character everyone was, and the manner in which Harry decided to make it up to Draco for deceiving him was incredibly emotional.

Crup-tion of the Not-So-Innocent by calanthe_fics ( NC-17 | 17,200 ) 9-Jun-2008
Summary: If you thought that befriending Draco Malfoy would be easier than defeating the Dark Lord you’d be wrong. Harry Potter has to grow another pair of legs and a forked tail before he can break down the frosty barrier blocking the way into Malfoy’s heart (and his underpants).
This was a fun read, and earthily hot. I liked the writing style a lot, and the interactions were interesting. I just wanted it to go on longer - see their relationship develop further, but I can see why she ended it where she did. One of the few stories by calanthe that's still available online.

Draco Malfoy and the Amazing Dancing Bear by quill_lumos ( NC-17 | 14,500 ) 16-Oct-2009
Summary: Draco is lost and lonely, until, one day he meets a creature who will change his life.
Surprisingly entertaining and well done. A few plot points don't really make complete sense, but they were done for the sake of the fairy tale (it's a remix of Snow White and Rose Red) and I didn't really mind. The sex was great and hot, and I liked Draco in this story. Fun!

The Wolf Pack by dracogotgame ( R | 14,000 ) 3-Aug-2013
Summary: Nobody said achieving your animagus form was easy. Draco could handle being a wolf pup for a while, right? How bad could it be?
(animagus!Harry & animagus!Draco)
Sweet and fun. Very nice development of their friendship, especially in their animagus forms when they each didn't know who the other one was.

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author:calanthe_fics, rectober, theme:identity unknown, author:bryoneybrynn, drarry, theme:animal transformation, fandom: harry potter, 2008 fics, rec list, author:quill_lumos, author:dracogotgame, 2013 fics, 2009 fics, mini-theme, pairing: draco/harry

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