
Nov 28, 2012 22:33

EDIT: For those new to my journal, I am homeless, and it is only the extreme kindness of J and P that is keeping me somewhere warm, rather than getting hypothermia and frostbite (again). My cats are all I have left.

Edward and Little Owl still need help. Their housing at this point is VERY temporary, and I'm scared shitless, to be frank. They need a place as soon as possible, and maybe a little before then.

Ways you can help:

1) The ideal way to help them (and me) is to find a person willing to foster them long-term (two months or more). I have multiple people that can attest to their good natures and loving personalities.

2) Chip in for boarding costs. Where they are now is roughly $28 a day for both of them, and was only possible thanks to the amazing heart of a person I don't even know. Paypal funds go to

These are my babies:
Little Owl


My psychologist once noted that losing my cats would be a devastating blow to my sanity, and I'm already on very thin ice in that department.

I need your help, and I need it now.
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