
May 11, 2010 10:33

[Written in shakier handwriting than usual, but still recognizable as Kazahana's]

Many of the contraptions in this Disney place are a lot of fun, but I think I should warn everyone that riding them too many times in a row isn't a good idea.

I think I'm going to throw up.

in retrospect not the best plan, ~alive, blargh, ~lea, ~gene, ~kiba, ~kagerou, ~will, it are learning tiems, ~toushi, ~youth, ~reed, ~rogue, this blows, oops, into the wilderness

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Comments 69

pimpcoatbankai May 11 2010, 14:35:44 UTC
YOU have just lost the right to call the stuff I do stupid!


snowburned May 11 2010, 14:36:10 UTC
You do do stupid things!


pimpcoatbankai May 11 2010, 14:42:54 UTC
Where are you? Are you still feeling like you're gonna throw up?


snowburned May 11 2010, 14:43:47 UTC
I don't know, maybe. I'm in the main park somewhere.


weaver_girl May 11 2010, 14:42:15 UTC
You need to sit down! And--and drink something fizzy. It helps with the nausea.


snowburned May 11 2010, 14:42:58 UTC
I don't think having fizz in my stomach will help!


weaver_girl May 11 2010, 14:47:06 UTC
Um, no wait, that's after you've been sick. I'm sorry, my mind wandered. Well, at least sit down! And don't go on any more rides!

Should we just come get you?


In this context, this icon has more potential for grossness snowburned May 11 2010, 14:51:15 UTC
I've been sitting, but I still feel sort of spinny. I'm going to walk and see if that helps settle things.

I really will be okay.


Probably saw Justice there heretic_hamlet May 11 2010, 14:57:24 UTC
I concur. I'd stopped to eat my breakfast at a teacup-shaped seat and table.

That did not end well for my stomach.

Or my breakfast.

I could understand the cavaliers' training roundabout, but what use could be found in spinning teacups?


Justice...? OH HURDUR drinking tea, I was thinking on the roller coaster. n/m I dum snowburned May 11 2010, 15:00:06 UTC
I don't understand. Why would that end badly for your breakfast? What did the table do?


I don't think Justice could resist a teacup ride orz heretic_hamlet May 11 2010, 15:16:25 UTC
Shortly after I'd taken my seat, the whole thing began spinning... then slung itself about in a circle. I could barely stand when the machine had stopped, let alone step off while it was moving.

I'd at first thought it to be some whimsical tea stand. Had I known its... motions I'd have gone elsewhere.


idk it's slightly undignified. slightly. snowburned May 11 2010, 15:23:31 UTC
Well, that's not very nice. Many of these rides are very clever, but I don't think it's right to trick you into sitting down to eat.

You're not hurt, are you?


desig_survivor May 11 2010, 15:28:21 UTC
[He may have laughed. Rogue... may have just discovered that he doesn't get motion-sick.]

Try either looking at something very distant and not moving, or lying down and closing your eyes in a dark room. If it's really nasty, try to curl up and take very steady breaths.

You didn't eat just before doing this, right?


snowburned May 11 2010, 18:19:42 UTC
Not directly before, but I rode the space ride a number of times.


desig_survivor May 11 2010, 18:37:45 UTC
I've seen a couple people who did eat just before. Luckily it seems like the plastic fakes here are willing to clean.


snowburned May 11 2010, 21:06:53 UTC

That's helpful.


pompous_today May 11 2010, 16:18:20 UTC
Are you going to be alright?


snowburned May 11 2010, 18:29:07 UTC
Yes, it's just a little stomach upset.


pompous_today May 11 2010, 19:03:28 UTC
I hope you feel better soon, then.


snowburned May 11 2010, 20:58:41 UTC
I just won't go on the space ride anymore.

It was fun for a while, though.


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