WTF, America?

Nov 09, 2016 20:42

... look, when we said we wanted you to elect Trump so Brexit!UK would no longer be thought of as the stupidest, most xenophobic nation around, it was a jokeThere are various scenarios around in which Trump being full of shit means it's not as bad as it could be, but they involve him not actually doing anything of importance -- either because he ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

a_t_rain November 9 2016, 23:02:20 UTC
I really don't know what to say. I'm shocked and saddened for all kinds of reasons, and also scared in a way I don't remember being scared after either of GWB's elections. This feels very, very bad on a visceral level, and also still kind of unbelievable, even after it's had the better part of a day to sink in.

Unfortunately, I don't think Trump even needs to start a nuclear war to fuck things up for the rest of the world; four to eight years of climate change denial is bad enough by itself.


snorkackcatcher November 9 2016, 23:22:08 UTC
I find it kind of scary too, and I'm on the other side of an ocean. There's been something really dangerous growing in America for the last 25 years or so, and this feels like the point at which it finally metastasized. I don't see how it gets better any time soon, and it's probably going to spread elsewhere. We haven't really had a popular full-on nativist party in Britain up to now -- UKIP have been more like Colonel Blimps with a bee in their bonnet about Europe, but I would not be in the least surprised to see them develop that way to pick up the really mean element among the Brexit vote. If the Tories don't steal their clothes first, that is ( ... )


shiiki November 13 2016, 19:50:27 UTC
It's easy to draw comparisons with the 1930s. The problem with that is that it feels like an overreaction, and probably -- hopefully -- is, but presumably in the 1930s it was an overreaction too right up to the point at which it wasn't, and it's hard to tell the difference without the benefit of hindsight.

That's kind of what I've been thinking lately, too--I really feel that a lot of the stuff that is reportedly said by politicians can be compared to Germany pre-WWII, and that's a very disturbing idea.


lokifan November 17 2016, 02:31:29 UTC
Marine Le Pen’s "most senior strategist, Florian Philippot", who tweeted: "Their world is collapsing. Ours is being built." He might as well have added "Tomorrow belongs to us!", just to get the full vibe.

Right?? Italy, France, Hungary - I'm really worried about what happens next.

It's easy to draw comparisons with the 1930s. The problem with that is that it feels like an overreaction, and probably -- hopefully -- is, but presumably in the 1930s it was an overreaction too right up to the point at which it wasn't, and it's hard to tell the difference without the benefit of hindsight. YES. Thank you for articulating this so well! I see some quotes or ideas and I think "that is so 1930s" and then I laugh at myself for buying into lefty apocalyptic scenarios, except that in 1932 the idea of the final solution would have seemed crazy. And Trump's rise, in particular... it's been so unbelievable to see all these gatekeeping institutions crumble. Well, thank god for Parliamentary democracy, because for all its flaws it does shield us from ( ... )


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