(ooc: I'm so sorry I haven't been on top of threads between these two. D:)
[Dastan is in the process of returning from the bathroom for his morning business. His wet hair is slicked back against his head and he's wearing his gray beater and dark brown trousers when he spots Olive. Remembering how their last encounter occurred, with the blonde being drunk, the prince glances around for some place to potentially hide. He notices her taping something against the wall and his curiosity gets the best of him.]
I turned back time to undo the destruction of my kingdom when I was supposed to die instead. The guardian of the timeline, the Dahaka, began its pursuit of me.
[Dastan is in the process of returning from the bathroom for his morning business. His wet hair is slicked back against his head and he's wearing his gray beater and dark brown trousers when he spots Olive. Remembering how their last encounter occurred, with the blonde being drunk, the prince glances around for some place to potentially hide. He notices her taping something against the wall and his curiosity gets the best of him.]
Lady Olive, what is that?
It is a matter of complicated timelines.
Complicated timelines? You're not your own grandpa, are you?
[Dastan makes a dismissing motion with his hand.]
It is too long of a tale to shorten or summarize.
Wow, that's pretty serious business.
[At his dismissal, she smiles.]
Well, we'll have to sit down sometime and you can tell me all about it.
...maybe over dinner or something?
Dinner? That sounds... suitable.
Okay. Um, when's good for you, then?
Whenever, I suppose.
[Well, and courting Olive of course.]
(ooc: For me, though, I would prefer the dinner to happen IRL after August 7th sometime. XD Y'know that whole work thing.)
[ooc: of course of course!]
Yes, it is.
(ooc: Thank you for being so patient with me, bb! ♥ )
[ooc: no big! work happens. ♥]
I should be there.
(ooc: ILU for being so patient with me. ♥)
[ooc: WORK IS OVER YAAAY! right? yaay!]
[Dastan pauses before remembering Olive's drunk state the last time they met.]
Of course.
(ooc: It is! 8D)
Okay. I, um, I gotta - go get food ready and stuff, so I'll see you there, all right?
Of course, Lady Olive.
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