I was looking at info on the Toronto Zoo since me and Scott are vacationing in Waterloo/Niagra Falls/Toronto for our one year anniversary this summer and I came across "The tiger cam" it's a free webcam of the baby tigers that were just born and they are soooooooooo cute
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Yesterday I worked it was an intresting boring day..spent most of it circulating around between counter and kitchen looking for hit to do..Sundays are boring.Got into disscussion about serial killers..do not ask me why but I taled about a few of the known ones throwing in some stuff I know about a few that people don't normally think of like the
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So stressed I've mad3e myself sick ;_; or so sick I've made myself stressed I'm not really sure.Today was a hellish day at Rivergrove so hellish that hell is a paradise to the deep and twisted bowel that is Rivergrove.It's so retarded the way they schedule having 2 people for service time and having it mad busy.WTF >_< and it really doesn't help
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I'm up earlier than normal..but I went to bed earlier than normal o.O Cpl shout outs. 1) Happy Birthday to Cakkafracle. 2) Happy Birthday to coworker/friend Darci who is also celebrating her birthday today and who I will be partying with after work today. 3) Coooookie were really looking for people now as people have quit and shtuff and I'd love
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My rut is still with me but I think I've pin pointed what it is..I'm alone too much and the one thing I had in my life when Scott wasn't there isn't there anymore and she'll never be there anymore because I'm not chasing her again.I'm hurting and I'm lonely with Scott working on the week ends *sigh* That is all.