
Aug 23, 2011 16:57

[ Character ] Rinon Toros
[ Canon ] Zoids New Century /0
[ Canon Point ]

[ Gender ] Female
[ Age ] 16
[ Birthday ] [unknown]
[ Eyes ] Purple
[ Hair ] Dark Pink
[ Height ] [unknown]
[ Weight ] How dare you ask that!
[ Blood Type ] [unknown]
[ Voice ] Kawasumi Ayako (JPN), Kelly Sheridan (ENG)
[ Family ] Steve Toros (father), Mother (unnamed, Deceased), Leon Toros (older brother)
[ Other ]

[ Background/History ]
Rinon Toros is the daughter of Steve “Doc” Toros, and the younger sister of Leon Toros. Her mother died when she was very young, and she doesn’t have any memories of her. She grew up happy with her dad and brother (even if her dad was a bit of a Zoid otaku), and learned to be a Zoid Warrior. Along with Jamie, the son of one of their dad’s friends, and a mercenary named Brad, Leon and Rinon formed the Blitz Team, with Doc serving as team leader/mentor.

The Blitz Team, while somewhat skilled, had a lot of problems. While Leon was a capable pilot, Rinon was far too trigger-happy (and didn’t have much of a sense of aiming), Brad was only in it for the money, and Jamie was too nervous and unsure of his skills. They fought in the Class B, though just barely.

During one battle, Leon was hurt, and his Blade Liger heavily damaged, when it tripped over a salvage unit that was illegally on the battlefield. The Blitz Team took the scavenger, Bit Cloud, captive, but, with the help of the unusable Zoid, Liger Zero, he escaped in the middle of the night. Bit came back during the rematch of the previous day’s battle, registered as a Warrior, and helped them to win. Bit was (grudgingly) accepted as part of the team, and Leon left, wanting to find his own way.

After this, the Blitz Team went on a massive winning streak, led by Bit in the Liger Zero. Rinon fought with the team, though she didn’t really improve her skills much. She attracted the attention of another Warrior named Harry Champ, though his feelings were not reciprocated. The team as a whole also attracted the attention of the Backdraft Group, an illegal organization that used unsanctioned battles to steal Zoids from teams.

After an… embarrassing incident… Rinon ended up kidnapped by the Backdraft, who forced the Blitz Team into a battle to rescue her, but she managed to rescue herself. Another incident with the Backdraft Group left Rinon’s Dibison utterly destroyed, but she quickly replaced it with a stupidly-over-spec’d Gun Sniper.

During one trip into town, a strange man approached her with a bouquet of flowers, saying she was as beautiful as her mother had been, before disappearing. Rinon was confused, but shrugged it off, though it would come up again later.

Harry’s sister Mary showed up at one point, and while she managed to utterly piss off Rinon by saying she wasn’t good enough for her brother (even if Rinon didn’t want him in the first place), the Blitz Team beat them in battle, moving up to Class A.

The team continued fighting, and continued fighting against the Backdraft Group. They also ran into problems with someone calling themself the ‘Chainsaw Man,’ who was specifically targeting Rinon, who had bragged that she was the most powerful Warrior. However, when she realized they weren’t zombies, but Zoids, she went all out.

On her way back from a shopping trip, Rinon was kidnapped, by the same person who’d given her the flowers before. She woke up in a bed full of flowers, and the man, Dr. Layon, knew Doc Toros. Due to an incident when they were younger involving Rinon’s mother, Layon wants revenge on him. Of course, despite the barrier supposedly keeping her trapped, Rinon again managed to escape on her own. She was picked up by Jamie’s dad, who explained to her that all the problems between Toros and Layon were his fault.

Rinon still had to put up with Harry as well, though. He ended up standing her up (due to getting kidnapped) when her father set up a date for her. Later, during a battle with Layon (who had kidnapped Harry), Rinon was pissed off at him for standing her up, and used the Wild Weasel’s full assault to take out the Whale King.

Eventually, the time came for the Royal Cup, a tournament of the 98 Class A teams, the top-ranked Class B team, and a wild-card Class B team. This giant tournament would award the winner with tons of prize money, as well as entry into the prestigious Class S. After their third (of five) wins, the Blitz Team was well on their way to discovering the location of the finish line. They ran into the Zaber Fangs team, and Rinon and Jamie were going to battle them on their own, but their opponents’ computers froze as they tripped over the Judge calling them the ‘Fuzzy Pandas’ on accident. However, before they could meet up with Bit and Brad, they came across the Berserk Fury, which quickly took out Jamie, leaving Rinon to fight on her own.

Three Geno Saurs, though, showed up with their Charge Particle Canons to take out the Berserk Fury. The weapons would have taken out Rinon as well, but she was defended both by Harry’s team, as well as Dr Layon. The blast took out the Whale King, but Layon was able to survive. He explained to her about the Ultimate X, before passing out from his injuries.

While they were separated, Bit and Brad had beaten Naomi and Leon, giving the Blitz Team their fifth win, and the last passcode to find the location of the finish line. However, Vega was there as well, and they had to battle to claim the title. With Raynos out of commission, and Gun Sniper apparently out as well, only Liger and Shadow Fox were available to battle. Shadow Fox was also taken out. Berserk Fury was about to take out the Hover Cargo, but the shields held, and Liger Zero fought in one-on-one against the other Ultimate X Zoid. Rinon and the others could only watch, but Bit was able to win, and the Blitz Team moved up to Class S.

[ Personality ]
Rinon is haughty, overbearing, spoiled, self-centered, and stubborn. And those are her good qualities.

Okay, realistically, she’s not that bad. Really, what else can you expect, since she grew up around guys, than for her to grow up as ‘one of the guys.’ Even though women are allowed to be Warriors, it’s primarily a male-dominated world, so she’s had no choice but to ‘toughen up’. And, of course, without her mom around, and with her father the way he is, she’s never really been told ‘no’ enough, either.

Rinon’s pretty full of herself, vastly overstating her abilities which are, while not bad, fairly average. She also doesn’t follow orders well (or listen when people tell her things), constantly wasting ammo because she simply doesn’t pay attention, and has been noted as not being one to learn from her mistakes.

Still, as spoiled as she is, Rinon’s got a good heart. It’s obvious that she cares about her family and friends, and she’s very passionate about Zoids (particularly those with heavy weaponry on them. Of course, her passion isn’t necessarily a good point. She’s also very passionate about food, and will steal it from others, and get pissed when people do the same to her.

Rinon’s biggest flaw is her temper, which has a very short fuse. Well, okay, short might be an understatement. She doesn’t accept insults of any sort, whether they be something she wants or not (case in point, she hates Harry’s advances on her, but can’t stand being considered ‘not good enough’ for him, either). Even accidents are subject to her ire, like when Bit walked in on her in the shower, and Jamie was simply checking on him. Her response? To go chasing down Bit in a Zoid and shooting missiles at him.

However, as ‘tough’ as she is, that’s not to say that she doesn’t have her fears. When she heard rumors about someone called the ‘Chainsaw Man,’ who may or may not be a zombie, she freaked out. Of course, once she figured out that it was all a ruse, she went all out on them, taking her revenge.

[ Specialties and Abilities ]
Physically, Rinon is nothing special, but as a Zoid Warrior, she is average to a bit higher (she would be better, if she actually put effort to it).

She pilots the Dibison, and later the Gun Sniper Leena Special.


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