Okay, now time to act my age and not my little sister’s. This is my way of letting everyone know that it is now time for fics to be posted. Since that day has come here is the
Posting Schedule we have. As you can see those who didn’t claim a date have been assigned one. The following fics/art have been assigned:
Tuesday March 5th - Supernatural/Lost
Wednesday March 6th - Supernatural/Smallville
Wednesday March 6th - Supernatural/Supernatural RPS
Thursday March 7th - Supernatural/The Dark Tower
So Authors and Artists should be aware of their posting dates.
For the posting. Only one person has gotten permission to post their fic directly to this community. Everyone else will need to post to their own journals. What needs to be posted here is by authors only; you need to post the link to your master post on your posting date. You will be given posting access to the comm. but it will be moderated. You need to post using the master post header shown
HERE. Have the title link back to your master post.
Title: <*a href=MASTER POST URL HERE>Title of fic<*/a> without the *’s
You can post at any time on your day. So if it’s 1am on your day go for it. Just make sure both fic and art posts have been unlocked.
Now I encourage everyone to spend this next week checking out the fics and arts, please comment to them because everyone has been put a lot of hard work into this. You are also allowed to cross post at any other communities and archives. The profile has a list of some Supernatural crossover communities.
Also, one last thing. For those that don’t know there is a Supernatural Crossover archive.
Supernaturally Twisted is an amazing archive dedicated to crossing over Supernatural. It would be great if everyone can also post their stories there.
Now, questions, comments, concerns?
Remember when making your posts to the comm and to your journals do not lock them, at all, not even friends locked, okay people. Any problem with that talk to us about it.