Artist Claims Post

Apr 12, 2010 22:09

This is the part where I apologize to everyone, three artists have contacted me who could make the orginial claims but not this one, they will be able to claim any of the stories when they next get on. So three fics might having more than one artist.

Now, if we can get all of the fics claimed here pretty fast they will all reopen for second claims.

For Round 2 of the Supernatural Crossover Big Bang we have 30 stories up for grabs from artists. Please read through the summaries below and to make your claim comment with the following.

LJ Username:
Type of art:
Email Address:

Title: Midnight Of the Century
Crossover: SPN/Millennium
Type: slash and het (implied) - it's a Sam/Dean/Jess sort of thing by the end...
Rating: R (though this may go up or down 1 depending on some beta feedback)
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Jess, Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean/Jess
Warnings there's some... touching, and a little profanity, and potentially some character death, but not anyone you probably care about.
Summary: Sam hasn’t spoken to Dean in years. He went to Stanford Law and graduated, now he is studying for the bar and planning a wedding for the spring. He sees Dean’s fetch on Christmas in a churchyard while attending service with his fiancee' Jess and her family. A fetch is a death omen for those who will die in the coming year. Suddenly Sam finds himself on the road, looking his wayfaring brother and trying to figure out a way for him to avoid his fate.

Title: A Grand Sneer
Crossover: Supernatural/Discworld
Type: (slash, gen, het - put in all that apply) Gen
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: From SPN: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Tulpa (in form of three-headed dog), Castiel, Lucifer, Gabriel,
Michael. From DW: the Librarian, Nobby Nobbs, Sgt. Detritus, Sgt.
Angua, Sam Vimes, Lu-Tze, Cheery Littlebottom, Captain Carrot,
Archchancellor Ridcully, Ponder Stibbons, Lord Vetinari, Lady Sybil
Ramkin, Young Sam, Moist Von Lipwig, Jim "Leadpipe" Upwright, Shawn
Ogg, Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Tiffany Aching, the Nac Mac Feegle
Warnings Strong language
Summary: While hunting a tulpa in a library basement sometime
after "Sam, Interrupted," Dean is separated from his brother and
travels through L-space to the library at Unseen University in
Ankh-Morpork. In his efforts to return home, Dean: discovers that
bullets are useless against Sgt. Detritus; bonds with Sam Vimes over
time-travel; eats two of Dibbler's pies; learns about his own quantum
potential with Lu-Tze; notices that Captain Carrot makes him very
chatty; is hunted down by the ravening forces of the Dungeon
Dimension; never calls the Librarian a monkey; is declared 'not daft'
by Archchancellor Ridcully; is run out of the city by Lord Vetinari;
manages to spend seven days in a coach with a werewolf without either
of them killing each other; is molested by Nanny Ogg; digs a new privy
and gets the offer of a lifetime from Granny Weatherwax; causes
Tiffany Aching to blush strenuously; and has to sing before the Nac
Mac Feegle will take him home. Once he's home, the Nac Mac Feegle
decide to hang around, and Dean figures out a way to stop this
apocalypse nonsense. There's a lot of comedy, plenty of character
growth, a bit of action, a little angst, and two bathing scenes that I
swear are essential to the plot.

Title: She's Walking To The End Of The Line
Crossover: Supernatural/Veronica Mars
Type: (slash, gen, het - put in all that apply) Gen
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Veronica Mars, Jess/Sam
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc - if there is anything in your fic potential artists should be warned about include it) Jess dies
Summary: (try to write more than one paragraph, please no more than 3 though) Veronica Mars had always dreamed of attending Stanford University and escaping Neptune once and for all. After the tumultuous events of her senior year, Veronica is only too happy to be moving to Palo Alto, hopefully leaving behind the ghosts of her high school. Although it means leaving behind her father, her boyfriend and her friends, the chance for a fresh start is just too tempting. A chance encounter on her first day with junior Jessica Moore puts her on a path to meet Jess' future boyfriend: Sam Winchester.

The story flashes forward a year to 2007, roughly one year after Jess and Sam started dating. After a night of celebrating both Halloween and Sam's LSAT score, Veronica wakes up to a phone call from a distressed Jess, telling her that Sam has left on a mysterious trip with his brother in order to find their father. Although Veronica offers to look into Sam's past, Jess turns it down, stating while Veronica may have issues with trust, she trusts Sam. The next night, while returning from a stakeout, Veronica drives past Jess and Sam's burning apartment building and learns that Jess dies inside. While dealing with her grief at her friend's death, Veronica discovers an almost impossible coincidence that leads to only more questions that need answers.

Title: By Pendragon's Sword the Dark Shall Fall.
Crossover: Supernatural/The Dark is Rising.
Type: Gen.
Rating: PG13.
Characters/Pairings: SPN: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Ruby. TDIR: Will, Bran.
Warnings AU (from mid-S4-ish).
Summary: When Dean sees Bran and Will in a crappy little diner, he has no idea how important they're about to become to his life. And if he had to pick anyone to be extra special, it'd be the arrogant albino asshole, not the mild-mannered Will Stanton. Which shows how much he knows.
Will, as the Watchman of the Light, is not happy with what the angels (and the demons, for that matter) are up to. What he thinks Dean can do about it, Dean has no idea, and of course Will would belong to the cult of non-specific-gravely-serious-warning-givers.
Dean is so tired of all this shit.

Title: Seasons of Wither
Crossover: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Type: (slash, gen, het - put in all that apply) het
Rating: Pg-13
Characters/Pairings: Ensemble, Buffy/Michael
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc - if there is anything in your fic potential artists should be warned about include it) violence and character death
Summary: (try to write more than one paragraph, please no more than 3 though) Buffy met the archangel Michael because the world was ending. Together, with her army of slayers they fought to save not only the world, but humanity as well. Through their trials, Michael learned why his Father loved humans above all else, and Buffy found the one being who truly understood her.

Now, after months of watching the being she fell for drift in a mystical coma, Michael finally wakes up. Only he's not Michael anymore, he's Dean Winchester

Title: Trust Doesn't Rust
Crossover: Supernatural/Jennifer's Body
Type: Primarily het, hints of slash and femslash
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Sam Winchester/Needy Lesnicki, Dean Winchester, Jennifer Check, Castiel, Lucifer.
Warnings Graphic violence (not sexual violence); implied Sam/Dean, but no more than is canon; implied Jennifer/Needy, again no more than is canon.
Summary: (Timeline: SPN - AU after 5.03; JB - post-movie.) For Anita "Needy" Lesnicki, life really sucks. Six months ago she was your average high school girl. That was before her best friend Jennifer turned into a demon and ate Needy's boyfriend at the prom. Now Needy has escaped from a nuthouse, she's wanted for murder (they totally deserved it), she's got some kind of demonic infection and she's on the run with no money, no car and nothing to wear but a bright orange prison jump suit. She's pretty sure her life sucks the worst. But then she runs into Sam Winchester, ex-demon-blood junkie, ex-hero and ex-antichrist. His story (the Apocalypse, seriously?) makes the last few months of Needy's life seem like a trip to Disneyland. Meanwhile, Dean Winchester is trying to figure out just what kind of supernatural creature slaughtered the members of a successful a rock band, unaware that the trail will lead him right where he doesn't want to go: back to his estranged brother. (Note: In terms of art I have no preference, but as this story has an 11-song soundtrack it would suit a vidder.)

Title: The Lamb
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Type: (slash, gen, het - put in all that apply) Gen/Het
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Buffy/Dean and some Buffy/Castiel and Ruby/Sam.
Warnings: Story takes place in a slightly altered universe of
my own creation. Also: Character Death.
Summary: (try to write more than one paragraph, please no more
than 3 though)

It’s all about sacrifices. What are we willing to sacrifice to save
ourselves? What would we give up to save each other? What will our
sacrifices do to our souls?

Buffy Summers has lost the will to slay. Living in the Nevada desert,
she works as a waitress during the day and a bartender at night. She
never sleeps, never lets her guard down, and never lets herself forget
the people she sacrificed to save the world (again). After leading
fifty young women to their deaths in Sunnydale, Buffy is tired of the
same song and dance. She just wants to lead a normal life. Dean
Winchester gave up his soul to save his brother. Trapped in the Pit,
he lets the trapped souls and sadistic demons eat away at his
memories, his morals, and his existence. He feels like he’s becoming
one of them and, what’s more, he seems to be enjoying it. One day, out
of the blue, he wakes up in a small dark box. Back on the surface
again, confused as a person can be, he’s alive, kicking, and chock
full of dreams about The Pit.

Drawn together by an angel just following orders, Buffy and Dean are
pushed to join forces and stop the Apocalypse, an event for which they
are both responsible. They’re unlikely candidates for the job:
irritable insomniacs, plagued by nightmares and ruined by alcoholism.
And yet, they’ll jump back into the fray if it means saving the rest
of humanity from the same fate.

Title: Interconnected (working title)
Crossover: Supernatural/Stargate SG-1
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, Jack/Daniel
Warnings incest of the Winchester kind, sexual content
Summary: Five months ago Dean Winchester showed up on his brother’s doorstep, bleeding and carrying with him the tale of their father’s death. Sam patched him back together and they settled into the normal, quiet life that Sam had always dreamed about. Until the day Sam took Dean to meet his best friend Jess at her family barbeque. He never expected to find an Air Force General there, or to have a Colonel take an unhealthy interest in the man he introduces as his lover. But when a hunt goes bad and Jack and Daniel find themselves caught in the hunt, will they create a new series of allies? Or will Sam and Dean become wanted by the Air Force’s best and brightest as well?

Title: Nightmares don't always come at night
Crossover: Supernatural/The Vampire Diaries
Type: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam, Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, Vicki, Jenna
Warnings No special warnings
Summary: When a case of missing persons brings Sam and Dean Winchester to little town Mystic Falls, Virginia, they realize that they might want to overthink everything they know about vampires. They meet High School girl Elena Gilbert and think she got something to hide. Sam and Dean investigate and what they discover is a hunter's worst nightmare.

Title: Bottle Caps and Shotgun Shells
Crossover:SPN/ Harry Potter
Type: Slash
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Harry Potter, Dean, Bobby, Castiel, brief appearances of Lucifer.
Warnings Strong language, violence, slashy scenes
Summary: Being stuck in South Dakota while Dean, Bobby, and Cas did all the heavy lifting was not how Sam thought he would ended up experiencing the apocalypse. He didn't exactly expect to be spending his last days in a wheelchair, hiding from Lucifer and keeping secrets from the one friend he made in the sarcastic over protective bartender.

Title: Vessels Are Made For Riding
Crossover: Psych/Supernatural
Type: Slash
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Shawn/Lassiter
Warnings Violence, brief character death, strong language, graphic images, and spoilers for recent episodes of both shows
Summary: Shawn Spencer always thought he was a fake psychic until one day his favorite coroner turns out to be an angel of the Lord and wants Shawn to be the vessel of the archangel, Barachiel. Now Shawn’s life is filled with angels, demons, hunters, and a weird prophet who is drunk all the time, but to top it all off, if he doesn’t decide on whether or not to become Barachiel’s vessel quick, Beelzebub will be released onto the Earth. With complications abound, the world’s fate rests in Shawn’s hands. As Gus would say, “We’re doomed.”

Title: Timeless Webs
Crossover: Supernatural/Dark Angel
Type: Gen, Drama, Action, Adventure, Suspense, Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy
Rating: PG-15 for graphic scenes (nothing worse then what is on the real shows)
Characters/Pairings: (SN)Dean, Sam, mentions of Bobby, Mystery Demon (DA) Max, Alec, Mole, Joshua, Gem, OFC's, OMC's, Dix. (slight hints towards Max/Sam)
Warnings some scenes of violence, strong language
Summary: Dean Winchester's face was on TV, and they were saying he wasn't human. This was something the boys had to look into. When they arrive they find things aren't what they thought it would be. The rumours are correct and there are super powered humans at Seattle, so is White and the Familiar Cult who have turned their attention towards the boys. Demons, evil plots and much more lay within.

Title: Dark Christmas
Crossover: Supernatural/X-Files
Type: slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Dean Winchester/Alex Krycek
Warnings None
Summary: It's a couple of days before Christmas, and people are
dying messily, skinned and eviscerated. Fox Mulder is on the case,
and his sidekick, Alex Krycek is giving him problems. Actually, for
Mulder the problem is that he exists at all. There's a young man
hanging round the sites of the killings, and Mulder is almost sure
that he has something to do with them - or at the very least that he
knows more than he's letting on.

Alex Krycek, well aware that he's not welcome at Mulder's side, is
determined to get to the bottom of things and find out what the kid
knows. Unfortunately he seems to have become a target himself for the
murderer. Can he escape his fate, and who will help him? Will it be
Mulder, or the suspicious young man that drives the fancy 67 Impala?

Title: Mercy Be Revealed
Crossover: Supernatural/Castle
Type: Het
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Alexis
Warnings Spoilers for Season 5; AU after end of 5x2; Deliberate manipulation of some events in episodes 5x3 onwards to my own devices
Summary: Alexis Castle has never done anything spontaneous or purposely dangerous. That changes when she runs into Sam Winchester for the first time in five years in Garber, Oklahoma. Her entire life turns upside down as she is thrust into a world she never knew existed - one where monsters are real and the apocalypse quickly closes in as Lucifer walks the earth.

Despite her reservations, Alexis leaves everything she knows behind to stay by Sam's side. Her father always told her that life should be an adventure, but Alexis never imagined she would be fighting for her life at what might be the end of the world.

Title:Learning How To Fly
Crossover:Supernatural/Stargate: Atlantis
Type: gen
Characters/Pairings:Everyone for both universes that is canon. All pairings are nominal and off-screen.
Warnings Little bit of torture.
Summary:After Sam ran off to Stanford, John WInchester picked a fight with his eldest son. Even this fight had been planned beforehand, since Jack O'Neill was there ready and willing to help -newly exposed to the supernatural and in the commanding position to get Dean somewhere safe from demons. Dean runs off to join the Marines and follows the demolitions expert career path Jack has set out for him. Jack sends him off to the Pegasus Galaxy. In Atlantis, Dean makes new friends and tried to fly under the radar. He succeeded for months until his team and the prime team were picked up by the wraith. WHile escaping, Dean pulled a couple of stunts that should not have worked. Dean tries to explain the tricks of the trade without using the word 'supernatural.' The natives, with their limited understanding of science, accept Dean's abilities better than Rodney does and start to refer to Dean as a Shaman. Being a shaman in the Pegasus Galaxy is dangerous, so dangerous that it'll take Samuel Winchester to get Dean back alive.

Title: o, discordia
Crossover: The Dark Tower
Type: Slash, implied het
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Sam/OMC, Sam/Dean, implied Sam/Ruby and an OOC-except-not Randall Flag
Warnings Sexual content, violence, strong language, slash, implied het
Summary: Sequal to Urs-A-Ka-Gan, Dean is back from Hell when another beam breaks. The boys have no idea what it is that is causing the guardians to slowly die by they're determined to find out. They head to Washington after getting a tip from an old friend and it becomes clear that Sam and Dean's relationship isn't quite what it used to be, and is a long way from ever getting there. With an apocalypse on their hands they've now got to figure out how to stop the universes from ending, but before they can save their world and everyone else's, they've got to save themselves from each other.

Title: Syndicated SciFi Show (working title)
Type: gen
Rating: PG-13.
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean, Daniel, Jack, Sam C., Teal'c, assorted others, no pairings.
Warnings A little strong language.
Summary: Sam and Dean wreak havoc in SG-1: Jack is definitely Not Amused. Slightly AU for "Changing Channels," set in season 7 of SG-1. The boys get dumped into Stargate: SG-1. They poke around some ruins with SG-15, not quite daring to hope that they're being allowed a breather episode. But just as they started to relax, they discover all the joys of a Goa'uld ambush.

Lucky for Sam and Dean, the SGC sends in the cavalry. Unfortunately for SG-1, they're it.

Title: Amorphous
Crossover: Supernatural/Good Omens
Type: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Becky (briefly). Aziraphale, Crowley, Adam (briefly).
Warnings Some strong language, violence (currently unwritten)
Summary: Something has been following Sam and Dean around. Or, more specifically, something has been following Dean, leaving muddy tracks everywhere it goes. While Sam looks into it, Dean tries to keep it as far off as possible by never stopping moving - he keeps driving until the Impala can't go any further, and after that he runs. But the creature still follows. It nearly catches him, but at the last minute he's saved by an angel on humanity's side, who takes him as far away from the creature as possible - London. Safe for the moment, Dean reads up on an almost Apocalypse that happened twenty years ago, while the angel tries to find a way to stop the creature.

Back in the US, Sam calls in Castiel for help figuring out what this creature is, only to find it's left its muddy mark on Dean's car. Fearing the worst, they discover what the creature is - a golem, a creation of clay ordered by its master to find Dean, and bring him to Zachariah. And that seems to be the least of their problems, as a call to Dean's phone is answered by Crowley, a demon they've met before, with a lot of mystery surrounding him.

Title: Blood in the Water
Crossover: Supernatural/Dark Angel/Firefly
Type: Gen, Het, Slash
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Sam, River, Mal, Inara, Dean, Jayne, Mole, Bela, Max, Alec, Bobby, Jo, Simon, Lydecker, Logan, OC, White. Sam/River, Max/Alec, Jo/Simon, Jo/Bela, Inara/Original Cindy
Warnings violence, strong language, sexual content, character death. The whole nine yards. Spoilers for the Firefly/Serenity, through all current seasons of Supernatural (though set in season 3), and for the entire series of Dark Angel.
Summary: After a series of dreams about a girl, and the chance encounter of a cowboy, Sam Winchester finds himself on a very broken ship with a girlfriend he can‘t touch. After giving up hope on talking any sort of sense to his brother, Dean Winchester finds himself in the company of a mercenary and a lizard man, wait, make that two mercenaries, a lizard man and a guy in a wheelchair with a God complex who has a thing for some dude named Max. Bobby Singer is a patient man, but if those two revved up teenagers don’t stop calling him a Stupid Ordinary, he’s gonna kick both their asses.

Title: That Guy
Crossover: Supernatural/Die Hard 4
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, John/Matt (Possible Matt/John/Sam/Dean)
Warnings Incest, graphic sex
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester were after another shape shifter, something neither brother was too happy about. Dean hated them on principle and Sam could never get rid of the image of his brother’s body lying dead on the floor, even if it hadn’t been his brother.
Everything was going according to plan though until the shape shifter decided take on his next target; one Matt Farrell, computer hacker extraordinaire, and who happened to have his very own bad ass to call when things went bump in the night.

Title: Untitled (Its currently saved as JoA x SPN x CM fic)
Crossover: Joan of Arcaida and Criminal Minds
Type: Gen with some Het if you squint really hard and a vague hint of Reid/Morgan.
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Sam and Dean Winchester, Castiel, Joan, Will, Helen and Luke Girardi, Full BAU Team
Warnings Nothing really
Summary: Joan re-meets Ryan Hunter at school where he admits to her seeing God. God comes to Joan telling her to be ready for someone to come ask her something giving her a message to give them. The message is a simple one that he's got it under control. God does not however tell Joan who she's giving this message to nor what the message is about.

At the same time in a different place directly after being sent back from Heaven in 5x16 Sam, Dean and Cas are talking about finding God - for the sake of my fic Joshua told them about the same thing but added since he wanted to help that God was somewhere in Maryland. The boys head to Arcadia. Will Girardi runs the Winchester through his police connections and his search gets flagged by the FBI. Find out the Rossi's brother is Will. BAU team goes to Arcadia for the case.. When Joan sees God again she asked him about the Apocalypse and what he's doing to stop him. He tells her he isn't doing anything that he did his part everything else is up to them. The BAU team talks to Joan about the Winchester stressing how dangerous they are but Joan says she just saw them in passing and they were only following her for that one day. Reid and Morgan go to talk to Joan again while she’s leaving school. Little Girl God comes over tells Joan to tell them the truth and get ready to go because its coming. The BAU team leaves as their case got them no where.

Joan meets up with the Winchester who are still going to do the same thing they were doing before trying to stop the Apocalypse. Joan volunteers to go with them. They refuse but she says if they don’t take her with them she’s just going to follow them and she has a millionaire for a friend and God on her side. They confer and agree but make her promise that she’ll finish out the year at school as its her senior year. Joan agrees. Four months later the Winchesters show back up and Joan leaves with them.

Title: Book of Enoch
Crossover: Highlander/SPN
Type: Hints of slash, mostly gen with a few violent scenes
Rating: PG - 13
Characters/Pairings: hints of Methos/Lucifer, Methos, Castiel, Castiel/Dean, Dean, Sam, Bobby, Joe, Duncan and the rest of the archangels.
Warnings some sexual context, violence (hinted at), strong language, written as though it was a script
Summary: Back in Dec of last year I decided I was going to write five stories as though they were scripts. This is my fourth story written in such a format.

I am awful at summaries and the story could be sum up in these words: Death came knocking. The premise of the story is what happens in a SPN universe on the verge of the Apocalypse when Immortals are introduced to the equation. What factor would Immortals play in a typical SPN mythology and can the history and origins of the Watchers finally be revealed?

I have included elements of Methos' past as a Horseman, as Death and revealed the origins of the Immortals as Castiel continues to search for God, and as Sam and Dean prepare for the final judgment.

Title: Person of Interest
Crossover: SPN/Paranormal Activity/Surprise Fandom
Type: Gen
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Micah, Katie, Micah/Katie, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Surprise Characters (would spoil the story)
Warnings Violence, Language (F-bomb), Character Death - Please do not reference the surprise fandom in the art.
Summary: Micah Sloat and Katie Featherston have been terrorized by a violent demon for the last 20 days. The psychic they called won't help them, and the only Demonologist they know of is out of the country. In step Dean and Sam Winchester, and the angel on their shoulder, Castiel, and quickly take control of the situation. But they have no idea how many surprises they have in store for them, as Katie's past is linked to theirs in ways they never anticipated, and the demon they are dealing with has some very powerful friends.

If it would be helpful, I can provide screencaps from "Paranormal Activity."

Title:Pagans, Outlaws, and Bandidos, Oh My!
Crossover:Supernatural/Sons of Anarchy
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Jax
Warnings Sexual content, violence, strong language
Summary: What do you do when the world doesn't end? If you're Dean Winchester, you rise from the dead with the marks of the last battle crippling you, the screams of your brother echoing in your head. If you're Jax Teller, President of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, you rule Charming, California, last bastion of the civilized world, the only way you know how: With your lover in your bed and your crew at your back.

Works in theory.

Dean and Jax struggle to hold their own against an invading army of Scavengers and hold onto each other when their personal demons and one determined ex-girlfriend are doing their level best to get between them.

What happens when the world doesn't end? Here's your answer.

Title: Bad Moon Rising
Crossover: Supernatural/Harry Potter
Type: Gen, implied Slash for Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Dean Winchester, John Winchester, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape (ft. mentions of Sam Winchester and Bobby Singer)
Warnings Mentions of violence (werewolf attack)
Summary: John and Dean are on the hunt for a werewolf terrorizing the locals of an out of the way town in North Dakota. But when the hunt goes wrong and Dean ends up injured, they find themselves under the care of Messrs Lupin and Snape; two men who, in John’s opinion, seem to know more than they should about the goings on in town.

Title: Weep, Little Lion Man
Crossover: Neil Gaiman's American Gods
Type: mostly gen, some het.
Characters/Pairings: Castiel-centric. Contains some Castiel/Zorya Utrennyaya and one explicit scene of Dean/Bilquis.
Warnings: Sexual content, disturbing imagery**
Summary: Crossover with American Gods. Castiel searches for his Father across America and meets various Gods along the way. Czernobog tells him that there's a man called Shadow who just might know where he is, but finding Shadow proves harder than Castiel thought, and there are some Gods who are determined to cut him off at the pass. Meanwhile, Dean and Sam are tracking a mysterious monster in Los Angeles who they suspect has been killing men for at least two centuries. Basically: a road-trip, angel-style, steeped in mythology, magic and religion. Set pre-5x16

**spoiler: Bilquis is a succubus in American Gods who basically swallows men through her sexual organs; the scene itself is as of yet unwritten so I'm not sure precisely how explicit it'll be, but the process will have started by the time Castiel turns up, so make sure that potential artists are aware of that.

Title: Sound of Madness
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Type: Gen, with some het comfort mixed in
Rating: PG-14
Characters/Pairings: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Buffy Summers, Bobby Singer, Yellow Eyed Demon
Warnings Mental manipulation
Summary: While investigating the mysterious deaths of orderlies at an insane asylum, Dean and Sam overhear a young woman tell of a world of demons and monsters with surprising accuracy. After digging deeper, they discover that she’s not insane like her family claims, but her mind is trapped between two dimensions.
They reluctantly agree to help her find her way back to her own reality, but when Buffy Summers realizes she can help the Winchester brothers fight the Yellow Eyed demon that has been terrorizing their family, she’s torn between her old, restricted life in Sunnydale and this new life of fighting evil on her own terms.

Title: Ludo Usum
Crossover: American Idol/SPN
Type: Slash and gen
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert, Sam and Dean, other Idols may make appearances
Warnings Sexual content, language, violence
Summary: It’s been months since Adam found out the truth of what is really out there and else Kris really does. When Kris discovers there’s a shapeshifter in Los Angeles, he calls in Sam and Dean. But while Kris is researching, Sam and Dean are stuck in a completely different town. When they finally arrive in town, they know they’ve got problems when they find out that Kris has been acting off since an encounter with the shifter.

Title: Standing at the Gate (tentative from - open to suggestions)
Crossover: Devour
Type: (slash, gen, het - put in all that apply) Gen with some Het
Rating: PG-15
Characters/Pairings: main - Dean, Sam, Jake; minor - Sheriff, Dakota, Nancy, Bobby, Marisol, OCs
Warnings Spoilers through Lucifer Rising (AU after All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2). Sexual context. Some violence and strong language.
Summary: Sam thinks there's something to the recent murders in Ilchester, Maryland, the place where a priest killed eight nuns in 1972. The something turns out to be the demons let loose in Wyoming wanting a kid named Jake Grey. Dean and Sam just have to figure out why. (This part can be sent to the artist for claiming: Basically, this fic is Devour as an episode of SPN. There's no pathway. Just plain old demons possessing people like they do on the show.)

Crossover: SPN/Dexter
Type: gen, slash
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Dexter Morgan, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel,
Warnings Violence, strong language, non-con, sexual content
Nobody is aware of Dexter Morgan's dark passenger as he cleans up the streets of Miami one criminal at a time. His wife was recently murdered by the Trinity killer and everybody think it's too soon for him to be back at work, especially when he is forced to review blood baths similar to the one he found Rita in. Dexter is soon forced to take some time off and he heads south to sink his toes in the sand of the Florida Keys. It's bring break and he's not looking forward to all the drunk co-eds but manages just fine.

The Winchesters are in town as well. They heard about locals going missing at a popular bar and the brothers take a break from the Apocalypse to go check it out. Nothing but sand, warm weather and hot drunk naked girls is all Dean sees. Sam struggles to keep his brother focused but one night he doesn't return. Sam waits for a day or so to see if his brother would come back to the hotel room, raving about the beautiful blonde he met but when Dean never returned, Sam is forced to retrace his brother's steps. Sam's fate is soon the same as his brother's as he crosses paths with Dexter Morgan.

Nobody would guess that Dexter had his sights on the brothers but soon his dark passengr comes to surface and he is face to face with some urges he has never experienced before.

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