Title: A Cage Full of Heroes
Author: San Antonio Rose (
quickreaverCrossover: SPN/Hogan's Heroes
Word Count: ~20,000
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean, Hogan, Kinch, LeBeau, Newkirk, Carter, Wilson, Klink, Schultz, Hochstetter, mentions of Hallucifer; gen
Warnings: Non-graphic discussions of Hell trauma, allusions to Holocaust events
Spoilers: General for Season 7, through "Slice Girls."
Summary: Col. Robert Hogan and his international team of POWs-turned-spies have had tough assignments before. They've done the impossible time and again. But this unexpected job might be the toughest of all: keeping Sam and Dean Winchester alive.
Author’s Notes: Title from the German dub of Hogan's Heroes. This story is part of my
Crossed Swords alternate multiverse, but as it's the only SPN entry in that crossover series so far, it stands more or less alone; allusions to previous stories are minimal, so you don't need to have read the rest. It is also slightly AU for SPN. Many thanks to
jennytork for the beta and the encouragement and to
quickreaver for the amazing art!
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