Title: The Man Who Can't Be Moved
Artist: The Script
Vidder: Sani
Fandom: Roswell
Pairing: Michael/Maria
Format/Length/Size: .wmv/1:15/58.51MB
Program used: Sony Vegas Pro 8.0
Date: 19th/June/2010
Started: 17th June '10
Finished: 19th June '10
I turned 23 yesterday and urgh i feeel old.....how depressing.
Also how weird is it that i always dish out a roswell candy vid around my birthday - weird huh... think its some sign?
Michael: I saw Maria and whats his name, Billy together
Michael: I miss you
Maria: I miss you too
Maria: I love you happy
Michael: There's a lot about you Maria, but I think what means the most to me is that you're open. You know, I can look into your eyes and I can see you.
Maria: I love you Michael
Michael: I love you too.
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