Because Scoffy said so ...

Sep 29, 2010 08:28

Post ONE positive thing every day for 30 days. No size requirements, no size limits: it can be big (winning the lotto), small (a cupcake with lunch), or medium (in between a cupcake and winning the lotto).Day one: Today, this one is easy. I have the day OFF! The teens are in school, the oldest did NOT take my car, and my To Do list is relatively ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

bambu345 September 29 2010, 15:27:15 UTC
The best part of this day one was talking to you!



pokeystar September 29 2010, 16:42:56 UTC
Long time, no see (er, read?)!

Yay - those are the best kinds of days off!


keladry_lupin September 29 2010, 17:19:59 UTC
Having a day off sounds wonderful. Have a good time, whatever you do!


drcjsnider September 30 2010, 02:32:45 UTC
Ah lovely!!! Nothing better than a day where you can be free to do what you wish... :)


Hey you mollyssister October 20 2010, 16:23:40 UTC
Its been 10 years since the first SS/HG fan fic was posted. Egads can you believe it? A community called celebrate_sshg has been created for the festivities. Would you consider stepping back aboard the ‘ship to help us commemorate the anniversary?


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