It's been ages ...

Apr 24, 2009 22:35

... since I've been on LJ, and I'm so very far behind. I'm finding it next to impossible to catch up on everyone's posts since last I read. Sigh.

One oversight I absolutely have to remedy ... the SS/HG Exchange reveal came and went, without my knowledge, and I need to express my sincerest thanks to sc010f for her utterly charming gift to me, WorkingRead more... )

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Comments 7

ozratbag2 April 25 2009, 02:54:23 UTC
*hugs you tight*

It has been ages, how are you (other than busy that is)?


snarkywench_64 April 28 2009, 22:04:38 UTC
**hugs you back**

It has been ages, hasn't it? I haven't been around very much -- working full time and having to share my computer with teenagers really cuts down on my LJ time, especially since I can't access it at work. (IT and upper management frown on Adult Content. Go figure!) Anyway, things are going well. another month of school before summer and then the kids will overrun me. I have managed to outline my original story, so I'm all set to begin writing that as soon as I have some "quiet" time. I have a September 1 deadline for the first draft (do I have to tell which encouraging mutual friend has given me that?)

Anyway, that's my life in 200 words or less. How about you?

P.S. Check out the new link at the top of my LJ.


minuet99 April 25 2009, 13:14:11 UTC
*hugs* *squee* *waves*


snarkywench_64 April 28 2009, 22:07:20 UTC
**hugs you back**


hogwartshoney April 25 2009, 15:34:04 UTC
*smooches you*

I heard you're the "it" author at the sshg quiz! Woo hoo!!!!!

*huggles you too*


snarkywench_64 April 28 2009, 22:08:23 UTC
**glomps you**

It's been waaaay too long, my dear. How are you? How are the puppies? I miss you!


(The comment has been removed)

snarkywench_64 April 28 2009, 22:12:26 UTC
I did like it, my dear! No need to "die a thousand deaths" ... it's just li'l ol' me.
Subversa is an absolute sweetheart -- you couldn't have a better handholder.

**hugs you back**


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