Title: Spin the World Unhinged
Rating: R
Word Count: 300
Pairing(s): James/Albus
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Together, they are two men, touching everywhere except the places that matter, like two sides of a strange coin.
Spin the World Unhinged
They move tentatively, like a dance: fingers twined, eyes searching, lips parted, legs moving. It seems to take hours to erase the last scant inch of space that separates their hard-pounding chests, their warm-and-bony hips, until even the rounds of their thighs brush. It takes longer for their lips to meet; so long that they fear a kiss may be impossible for how often chapped mouths skirt the last touch that separates men from boys.
I am a man, James thinks.
He is a man, Albus knows.
Together, they are two men, touching everywhere except the places that matter, like two sides of a strange coin.
"On the count of three," James says.
"One-two-three," Albus prompts.
The world tips over. Albus goes first, onto his back with James spread between his legs. James with his flexing muscles and impatient lovebites and roaming hands that press Albus into the sheets. James with his too-thin lips and hard jaw and soft brown eyes, with the line of freckles that slithers down his throat like a snake, the birthmark he abhors and the one Albus knows better than anyone else-thirty-two freckles from jaw to the back of his neck, thirty-two discolorations on sun-kissed skin, thirty-two reasons to fall in love with his brother.
Now tongues are introduced, and it is like James has never kissed anybody in his life, though they both know that is not true. James is always kissing somebody, always has his tongue shoved down to the hilt, is always clumsily aggressive and passionate. Now, he takes care with his brother, cups the back of his just-like-mine head, touches every inch with reverent satisfaction, as if praising an idol.
Together, they spin the world unhinged and hope to god the spinning never slows.