Girl Stuff
word2urmomma challenge fic by SnarkyLlama
8,100 words
(Lynn-centric Britney/Justin)
None of this is real, yo.
Now as a podfic! (21MB MP3; 57 min)
Summary: Britney's got a schoolgirl crush.
She wouldn't have paid Justin much attention if it weren't for his mother, Ms. Harless. )
Comments 21
And dude. The ending. I totally didn't anticipate it! It was awesome.
The ending. I totally didn't anticipate it! It was awesome.
I had so much fun writing this, knowing all along that that was what I was leading to. I hope it wasn't too traumatic for anyone.
And the joshlynn was just the icing on the cake!
Hee~ And sometimes the icing is the best part! (Or at least the most fun.)
I knew when I was writing this that I was playing with at least two layers of story. But you and phaballa have both made me see more here than I was consciously aware of.
Also, thanks for bringing my attention back to this story. I've been so busy with other stories, I'd forgotten how special this one felt to me. I've never borrowed so heavily from personal experience before in a fic, and yet the end result is someone who seems so alien to me... like very real, but utterly foreign.
Your Britney voice is really good and I adore the plot.
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